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AmbitiousHedgehog313 t1_j6dzq2o wrote

Dude, your attitude is awful.

I don't understand why someone would not want to be able to maintain their home. It's a basic life skill. This concept that we have to get someone in to do everything for us drives me nuts.

These days, there is so much help available, you have no excuse.

Can you post a pic of your wall anchors, and of the thing you are trying to hang?


ElBrad t1_j6e3urx wrote

Maybe his skillset is in a different field? I can't fix a car, but I'm pretty decent at most basic home improvement things. I'm not a coder, but my houseplants are healthy.

Just about everyone has things they're good at, and things they're not. Just because someone doesn't have the same interests or abilities that you do doesn't make them less of a person.


UD_Lover t1_j6e7o3h wrote

You’re not wrong, but there’s really no excuse for not being able to handle very basic home maintenance & repair. You don’t need to be a professional contractor to hang a shelf or patch a hole.


AmbitiousHedgehog313 t1_j6e587j wrote

I think this is a lie we are told by society. It only serves capitalism. It's a lie that takes away from you as a human being.

I think we all have within us the ability to do the things needed to go about out lives (physical disabilities notwithstanding).

Anyone can (and should) learn to paint a wall, put up shelves. change the oil on their car, fix a leaky gutter, unblock a drain.

Specialisation is great for more complex skills, and especially for skills that take years to master. I don't think anyone should do their own surgery. But I do think everyone should be able to put up a medicine cabinet.


ozonejl t1_j6e5qdu wrote

Sometimes it takes people some time. I grew up in a trailer and wasn’t exposed to certain things about real houses. My dad was handy but had close to zero interest in teaching me. My wife and I’s old house has basically been 16 years of hands on training.


adventuref0x t1_j6e1vmq wrote

I became a race mechanic because I started off by fucking around rebuilding a motorbike having never touched a spanner before.

I am all for learning and doing jobs myself but not if it’s going to lead to me getting it in the neck because I’ve done something wrong while learning honestly if I hear her say ‘why are you doing that if you don’t know what you’re doing’ once again I’m getting in my car and driving until I run out of gas.

Also there’s so much more that can go wrong with home maintenance, like I’ve just fucked the wall, that’s now however many hundreds to get someone out the year out that bit of plasterboard, install a new bit, plaster and paint and then another hundred or so to get someone to mount the fucking thing, it’s just not worth the risks