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radalicious123 t1_j6e0x05 wrote

At this point it might not be too much extra trouble to cut out the damaged drywall and fasten in some wood blocking to screw the cabinet to (how deep is the air gap?) Then fix the drywall. Def a bit of work but once you're on the hook for a drywall repair anyway...


adventuref0x t1_j6e2obr wrote

I’d guess about 20mm ish


radalicious123 t1_j6e6aai wrote

Ugh. What I have done in a similar situation is get these kind of anchors:

And cut both the plastic anchor AND the screw to be short enough to fit in the space. That was pretty fidgety and I don't know if it would be up to a super heavy cabinet.


2001sleeper t1_j6e7t7s wrote

I would never use something like that for a cabinet. Toggle bolts at a minimum. Personally, I would mount 1x4 strips into studs, then mount cabinet to those, then trim out the gap.


adventuref0x t1_j6e6p3g wrote

Yeah I was using these I guess where the bolt was too long it pushed against the breeze block and fucked the drywall