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kittenrice t1_j5bogdj wrote

I can see the tab that is retaining the bulb cover in the picture you posted.

Stick a butter knife in there and use it to gently press the tab toward the center while also pulling down a bit.

And for the love of god, please clean that nasty thing while you're up there.


Konacchi OP t1_j5druoz wrote

This worked, thanks!! I cleaned it up as well dw


ICYaLata t1_j5bkp4g wrote

Glass and plastic is most likely one assembly. The whole thing will pull down with metal spring clips holding it up. If it's been there a while, might have to get something thin to work around the edges and break it free.


Mrrasta1 t1_j5bjrjc wrote

I’m guessing it is installed with “scissor springs” I don’t know what els to call them. See if you can get a thin putty knife between the plastic and the ceiling and gently pry at it from the middle. Also try gently pushing up on the glass. It may come loose and turn sideways or tip up to be removed.


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