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chen-z727 OP t1_j5a2j1z wrote

Yeah I will have to try it out. Some people mentioned it might be difficult to remove those housings, especially since I won't have access from above. Those were put in by builders so not "old work" housings.


IncomprehensibleLisp t1_j5a3e81 wrote

If you remove the trim and see 3-4 small screws in the housing, remove them and the housing slides right down. Id remove the housing the wire that runs to the socket, but other than that it's all going to be a lot easier than people are telling you. I'm an electrician, so maybe it is a little easier for me. I don't think you'll have a difficult time with any part of this. If the housing is held up with clips, break the damn clips and get it out because you won't use them anywhere lol


IncomprehensibleLisp t1_j5a3hn7 wrote

If you're able to remove the can housing in your ceiling then it'll be a relatively quick change. You can then jump from the can's junction box to the LED junction box. Then the new light just snaps up into the ceiling. Just make sure to buy the same size that you're removing.

Edit: I replied to myself rather than OP


Guygan t1_j5a5xfp wrote

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