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ebola_borialis t1_j6mnsc0 wrote

Anyone qualified to give good advice for this person would instantly recognize that as deadwood, not a stud. A stud will sit perpendicular to the drywall instead of parallel. As an engineer, you should know this.


Mysterious-Ad7019 t1_j6o6qzl wrote

And as a person who's seen crazy things from actual life, you'd know that what should be a perpendicular stud might actually be installed "wrong" because people are sometimes idiots and then you get buildings with all sorts of WTH!?!...

There's no info from the op whether that wall was there originally, or someone moved/turned a wall and built a new one around whatever studs were there. No info on the actual architecture of the home, etc.


So, rather than assume from afar, which is one way to make the unexpected into a real problem, simply proceed as if that is a true load bearing stud to minimize the Oh F#!*' moments.

This is also safer for the op because he doesn't have any good way to ensure 100% whether this is or isn't load bearing - doesn't have the access or experience.


ebola_borialis t1_j6obvia wrote

Installed wrong, huh? I would stick to desk jockeying and leave the remodeling advice for the people who have been there and done that.