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lennon818 OP t1_j6aryaf wrote

Reply to comment by kkpenguin in Improving a storage shed by lennon818

  1. bingo.
  1. Spray foam great idea

  2. Don't have a way to cut wood. Can I just use brackets with nuts and bolts?


kkpenguin t1_j6ct3nj wrote

Brackets will work, with screws. But if you buy a piece of lumber, the store usually will cut it for you if you need. Also, if you have a house, you need basic tools. Scope out yard sales, auctions, estate sales or thrift stores if the budget is tight. My fave is auctions: I've gotten boxfuls of power tools and workbench stuff, sometimes for just a couple of bucks.


lennon818 OP t1_j6d9bfo wrote

I'm just too scared to use a power saw lol. I might get a reciprocating saw at some point.

Yeah I was think brackets. Maybe over enginer it with bolts and nuts.


kkpenguin t1_j6dvfvr wrote

so, where are you attaching the bolts and nuts? and how? got a drill?


lennon818 OP t1_j6dvqg9 wrote

Yeah I got a drill. Well I was going to get an L bracket and drill through the wood. Then put the bolt through the hole and put a nut at the end. This might just be overkill and too much work so Ill probably just screw the L bracket to the wood and be done w/ it


kkpenguin t1_j6dwd4f wrote

you do need to attach the L on both sides, so why not just use screws for both, vs having the top of the bolt on the surface of your shelf?


lennon818 OP t1_j6dwnwa wrote

Yeah Im just going to screw it. I'm not putting anything heavy on it so it should be fine. I mean it hasn't fallen apart yet and it is held together with magic at this point.