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BrainScrambled t1_j46ckdo wrote

That's where I thought I was at first and was genuinely confused by the warm reception. It's beautiful work, but it also hurts a little lol.


HephaestusHarper t1_j46sfjs wrote

Oh ffs. It was a kind of ugly, clearly-not-antique cabinet, and now it's a lovely piece of furniture that will get used. Folks who worship at the altar of WOOD™ drive me nuts. He didn't chalk-paint a Georgian antique.


AdequateSteve t1_j48oi9s wrote

Thank you! I hate the “natural wood” worship. Yeah, I love the natural look, but not everything needs it. Perfect example of over doing it: Scott Philips. Love his work, love his skill, hate his taste. The dude’s house and shop look like a lumberjack’s whorehouse.