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XFirebalX_347 t1_j6a72yu wrote

Yes it is safe to remove. Make sure to take not of each spring clip holding the glass in place. They will all have to be engaged securely when you are done and reinstalling the glass, otherwise the heat from the combustion chamber will melt delicate components in the control cavity(usually below the combustion chamber, where the fire is supposed to be)

Also, use ONLY amonia-free glass cleaner. (The foaming kind works best.) Or else the glass will develope a foggy haze again very quickly. If you dont have the proper glass cleaner use two damp rags and a dry rag. Wipe the outside of the glass with the damp rag then wipe the inside face of the glass. Scrub gently and make sure its all moistened. Then after a few moments reapeat that with the second damp rag to pick up all the loosened grime. If needed use a brand new razor blade or utility knife blade to scrape off any baked on residue. May have to re-wipe with another clean damp cloth before throughly drying both sides with the final cloth.

Edit: i forgot to mention i install and service fireplaces for a living.


javy29sp OP t1_j6a7hvw wrote



XFirebalX_347 t1_j6a7w2d wrote

Youre welcome! And btw it is safe to open the fireplace with the pilot light lit but everything will be pretty warm to deal with without protective gloves.

Once you clean the glass and relight the fireplace it will fog up breifly and go away after a few minutes once it dries up the left over moisture from normal cleaning. Its perfectly normal


bonemonkey12 t1_j6a5tkv wrote

Yes. If you're paranoid, turn the gas off too.


PointyWombat t1_j6a6vfh wrote

Yes, I do it all the time. My glass has latches and a hinge on one side so it can be swung open for cleaning. I don't bother turning off the pilot light or anything, but if you're overly paranoid just close the gas valve.


boatluvr69 t1_j6a5lyh wrote

Yes. I clean mine a couple of times a year.


Triabolical_ t1_j6an0st wrote

There are special glass cleaners for wood stove doors.


chopsuwe t1_j6aqila wrote

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