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pete_68 t1_j8y1nrl wrote

What's the area around the door like? Anything to absorb sound? It's going to hit the floors, walls and ceiling and dampening around there can really help.

To give you an idea, I had this attic with about a 20' long, heavily insulated area big enough to crawl through and you had to yell to hear someone at the other end. Now that was fiberglass insulation, but it gives you an idea of how absorption around the area can help modulate noise.


JonJackjon t1_j8y394s wrote

How often do folks knock on your door? and why?

I don't mean to say yours isn't, just wondering the source of the problem. Perhaps that can be remedied.

Except for friends and the occasional UPS driver no one has knocked on my door in months.


LesbianBagleBoy t1_j8y4699 wrote

Maybe a removable foam pad could be placed on the outside of your door with a do not knock sign during working hours.


no1name t1_j8y5w1g wrote

Put crime scene tape over your door?


PrairiePepper t1_j8y8ebh wrote

Why are people knocking on your door all the time? I don't think I've had anyone at the door I wasn't expecting in the last 5 years.


arrowtron t1_j8y8ipc wrote

Put up a “no soliciting” sign. If a solicitor knocks, answer the door and politely ask for the contact info of their direct supervisor. Tell them you will be filing a complaint. Call promptly and explain that your sign was ignored. It will take time, but word will eventually get out.


djdefenda t1_j8y9406 wrote

Work with the door open or get a doorbell.


Complete_Barber_4467 t1_j8ydx2m wrote

When someone knocks at your door, it's supposed to interrupt your work? Same thing with a doorbell.
When you answer the door, there's a interruption from what your doing.

You plan on not answering the door? You dont want to answer the door or be bothered by the sound of it knocking?

Or is the noise scaring the wits out of you?


wildcat12321 t1_j8yfnkn wrote

I'd get a battery operated doorbell that you command strip on and put it in the middle of the door, eye level. People will push the button instead of knock. You can control the volume of the base station inside


khariV t1_j8ygjc6 wrote

Dampen people… I was honestly thinking you meant a motion activated mister. It would discourage further knocking without totally ruining someone’s day!


datDANKie t1_j8ygrvz wrote

add a screen door with inch gap and keep it locked

then add a doorbell as extra layer

nobody can ever knock again cuz it would just be screen, they will be forced to use the doorbell, and screen would be locked so they can't open it and knock


Tim_the_geek t1_j8yhqjb wrote

Play a recording of a baby crying after they knock.. then answer the door in an irate rage.. that one wont knock again. Repeat as required.


ugajeremy t1_j8yixyo wrote

Electrify it?

Put a sign that says "knock on my door, what happens next will shock you".


MrsGobbledygook t1_j8ykfou wrote

Let the things you order online be dropped off at a pick-up point. Put up a sign that you're not interesting in salesmen going door to door.

The maintenance folks should be known in advance? Either way maybe ask your building management to let you know beforehand when there's maintenance coming over so you can plan accordingly?


bearminmum t1_j8ykpck wrote

No soliciting didn't have an effect. Neither did do not disturb.

Maintenance does infact know and so does building management and they get a complaint from me everytime it happens. I'm at a point where I feel like I have to just accept the knocks and find a solution to the noise


Complete_Barber_4467 t1_j8yl7ju wrote

Oh I get it. I was thinking you work from home and it was walk in business. I was trying to connect the dots as to why there is knocking at the door.

There's that yellow plastic chain. Two posts in the ground and chain off access to the door, along with the sign. Or if you have railings to chain into. The only thing that will work is to take it away from them


BreakerMark78 t1_j8ym8m0 wrote

In my neighborhood it’s the start of door-to-door sales season; roofing, windows, tree trimming, pest control etc. I had someone knock just last week and I’ve had 3 in a week before.

It winds the dogs up, pulls me away from my work, and you have to tell them 3 times you aren’t interested in whatever they’re selling.


Due-Ocelot7840 t1_j8yrdgr wrote

This happened only the other day when i was at my Mams, an alarms sales man..we have 4 German shepherds, so the alarm that is there is never turned on.. avoid the whole conversation i simply opened the door with a mask and told him there was COVID in the house..he promptly left .so maybe a note on the door saying COVID is in the house..


aduom t1_j8yrfb7 wrote

Most places it's illegal to knock on doors unlocked you have a license permit to.


Tim_the_geek t1_j8yt27s wrote

I have one of those no trespassing 2A signs on my front fence. Only the cable company debt collectors from previous tenants will venture past it.

They are immediately greeted with. "Ah, I can see because you have a list in front of you, that you can read. So why are you standing in front of my door where there was a no trespassing sign and gate you had to pass." They will then ask if some person is there,.. I will interrupt them mid sentence and ask "Do I need to get violent?" They leave immediately. The important thing is to talk clearly and calmly with no emotion, that is the scariest.


bearminmum t1_j8yz54y wrote

I work for a service provider and I told them I was getting service for free and he told me he needed a speed test to prove. I shut and locked the door and he proceeded to yell at me through the door to come back.

I don't understand why they are so aggressive here


elangomatt t1_j8z15qg wrote

A while back I had a UPS driver wave at my Nest doorbell right as he ran up to my house, silently dropped my package on my front porch, then ran back to his truck. My front door isn't very far from the street but I guess seconds matter to them.


Petplants t1_j8z5ejt wrote

I simply don't answer. Eventually, they give up and go away, or I'll put my phone on mute and shout at them "I'M WORKING GTFO" and then cheerfully return to my customer. If it's a delivery, it's just a quick courtesy knock to let you know they've been there, unless they need a signature. Usually a Sign on the door "please do not knock on this door, I am working and I will not answer" solves the problem. Make sure you use Clearly printed block letters though.

The phone sales I handled in a different way, I had one company call me 5 times before noon... 5 times in one morning is a bit much. They called twice on my lunch break. I answered the third call "Not interested, don't call again" Fourth Call "I'm going to say this one more time, I'm not interested in your product, do not call me again" fifth call thirty minutes later "ok, Here's the deal. I"m only going to say this once. The next person to call me from your company is going to get nothing but swear words and a hang up. Do not call me again." I've not received a call from them since.


RedLeader7 t1_j8z70g7 wrote

You can get a door seal tape of foam or rubber, run that around the door frame so it makes a better seal. Then when knocking the door, it won’t rattle back and forth within the frame


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