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mickstep t1_ja09zgd wrote

Looking at the age and construction of the property I guessed you must be in the UK, but that extension cord looks like you must be in the US.


bananagrammick t1_ja0i7nl wrote

The US is a real big place with hugely differing housing ages and styles. Especially on the east coast cities are pretty darn old. Not "oldest things in Europe" old but "well before America was a country" old.



QuiteAffable t1_ja0yrcy wrote

One of my ancestor’s homes is still around in CT that predates the revolution. At one point it went up for sale so I got to virtually tour it and see all the old features :)


lemonylol t1_ja0lym9 wrote

I don't think you can tell much about this house from the pictures other than its more than 40 years old