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JayC0rn2020 OP t1_j8bbvj8 wrote

Reply to comment by Sluisifer in Help with Staining by JayC0rn2020

Thank you for all your input! Can I use Mohawk toner over my existing stain, or will I need to sand it off first? Also, can I put a finish on top of the toner once it sets?


Sluisifer t1_j8dl57h wrote

Compatibility is a complicated issue. Their toners are based on a precat lacquer AFAIK. They should be alright on a fully cured stain or finish, but you can always ask the manufacturer, being sure to specify what you've used. A coat of shellac will often solve compatibility issues. As for top coating, they sell rattle can pre cat lacquer that you should use, in the sheen of your choice.


JayC0rn2020 OP t1_j8dqr4t wrote

Thank you for clarifying! I really appreciate all your help 🙏