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Uncanevale t1_j8ppwwo wrote

You need to watch your charging voltage. With many chargers, the load of the fan will fool it into thinking the battery is depleted and raise the voltage to normal charging voltage which may cause excessive gassing and high water use. RVs get around this by having a middle charging stage where the charger operates around 13.8V when there is a small to moderate load on the system.


seasonedfries OP t1_j8pt2gy wrote

And that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid... Damaging the battery


Uncanevale t1_j8ptdzk wrote

Consider an RV converter as a charger, or run directly from a converter with no battery or the battery switched off.


seasonedfries OP t1_j8pxmh0 wrote

That was a thought as well, plug a small converter into an extension cord and run the fans off it. The trailer is used for storage/workshop (in a limited capacity) and for moves. Only time I'd really NEED to run the fans is once it's parked for an extended period of time. Would look into wiring to a switch and to the battery later down the road. Would just need to figure out how to stop power from going from converter to battery, just in case it gets parked and someone bumps the switch... But that can be dealt with later