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taswcallmetim t1_jabbdq6 wrote

I want to see the after photo of the finger! Great looking results on the room. Way to take it on!


ty556 OP t1_jaceemb wrote

I can share the gnarly ones too. But here’s post op after the first surgery.

I have a metal plate. 2nd survey was about 6 months later to do a bone graph because of non-union. I’ll have 3rd surgery soon to remove the plate and clean up some scar tissue hoping for increased movement.

I can pinch but not make a fist. Nerves are ok, lost some feeling where the saw went in but still have feeling everywhere else to everyone’s surprise.


taswcallmetim t1_jacoe19 wrote

Man sorry that happened. Glad you didn't lose it entirely. Hope you did get too many, "I told you so's" from anyone in the house!


Remmy14 t1_jacrogz wrote

What is the prognosis regarding feeling where the saw went in? I had a very similar cut on my thumb when I was much younger (though not with a saw blade, but just a knife). No bone damage, but the flap of skin hanging off was numb for some time. Eventually, though, the feeling in that part of my finger did come back, and the only thing that remains is a pretty gnarly scar.

Hopefully you'll have a similar recovery. Also, room looks great, my wife wants to do something similar.


ty556 OP t1_jadgkzb wrote

We’re shooting for 50 - 60% mobility restored in the proximal joint. Ha have pretty solid movement in all the other joints on the finger. Feeling wise where the saw entered is where the median nerve (?) runs. The surgeon was flabbergasted I didn’t cut that. He doesn’t understand how it didn’t get cut given the location and damage. It’s tingly where the saw entered and slightly numbe around. Other then that I have good feeling in my top and else where.

The suregeon, specializes in hand trauma, said it’s one of the more catastrophic finger injuries he’s seen mostly due to the fragmentation of the bone which is shown in the x-ray a bit, but the CT scan showed a much more dire picture.

All things considered it’s a positive prognosis, it won’t be the same, but it will be functional.


Remmy14 t1_jadi4w8 wrote

That's good to hear. Sucks that it happened, but all things considered, it's positive.