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neil_anblome t1_jaccnkr wrote

I love how OP slips in a comment about losing a finger, like no biggie, lost mah digit. It looks superb, by the way.


ty556 OP t1_jaco2fh wrote

Lol, stuff happens I guess? When you’re getting annoyed or rushed while using power tools, go take a break and have a cup of coffee or something.

Thank you for the compliment!


neil_anblome t1_jad5gtt wrote

I'm still nursing a black fingernail from the last project, that smarted and re-established my respect for the club hammer.


ty556 OP t1_jadh8cs wrote

Believe it or not, smashing your thumb was probably way more painful, so I feel for you. I had the benefit of shock, adrenaline, and heavy narcotics in the er when the latter wore off.