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lmaccaro t1_j8nrwnj wrote

You need to figure out why the wall is getting wet. Is there extra rain hitting that wall outside? Is there a leak inside of the wall? you have to get rid of the moisture source, or the mold will keep coming back.

Do not treat mold lightly. It can be really bad on your health. There is a subreddit called toxicmoldexposure if you want to see what the symptoms are.


nomopyt t1_j8nuz4k wrote

It's an exterior wall with wallpaper on it. That's acting as a vapor barrier. There may or may not be additional water intrusion, but there doesn't need to be for this to happen. Water is condensing between the wallpaper and the wall bc of poor insulation and temperature differentials from outside to inside, that's my assessment.


lmaccaro t1_j8o898l wrote

If so, that would be happening on all similar ext walls with wallpaper.

And would be happening worse closer to the ceiling as it’s hotter up there.

If not, then I think there is more going on. Certainly it warrants closer investigation.


nomopyt t1_j8oca97 wrote

No, not necessarily. It matters which cardinal direction each wall faces.

And what you've said about it being more pronounced up near the ceiling does not square with my understanding of the situation. It matters where the air supply diffusers are directed, the position of the doors and windows, and other factors like insulation.

I'm not saying there's definitely no additional water intrusion, but I'm not understanding the reasoning you're using.

Edit: thanks for confirming that the "reasoning" you're using here is... None. Suspicion. Alarmism.


nomopyt t1_j8od3ti wrote

I am 100% certain that subreddit is full of pseudoscience.

OP, please do not go to that sub and work yourself into a frenzy.

No, it's not good to be exposed to mold. However, the most likely outcome is allergies. Like, regular allergy symptoms. Many insane "medical conditions" are attributed to mold exposure without evidence.

Again, I'm not saying mold is good for you. I'm saying alarmist pseudoscience doesn't help anyone.


lmaccaro t1_j8owrsw wrote

According to the FDA there is no danger to long term mold exposure.

So that’s nice.

BTW if you believe the FDA on that kind of thing, I expect there will be some good deals on Ohio housing in the near future.


nomopyt t1_j8p062y wrote

Obviously a subreddit full of whack jobs is a far better source of information.

But I'm glad you disclosed where you get your info from and what you consider a reliable source. I'm sure that will help OP properly contextualize your suggestions.