Submitted by Additional-Rhubarb-8 t3_11dwmu1 in DIY

Everything I've read says not to install underneath kitchen cabinets. I need to let the floor move around and by installing underneath the cabinets it will lose flexibility and potentially buckle. But everyone I've talked to from installers to people working at flooring stores they tell me it's okay go ahead and install it ... what do I do



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age34act12 t1_jabi49j wrote

I've seen issues from flooring not being able to move. It was a low quality grade of the product. Make sure since it's a kitchen to not run underneath. Kitchens are a high traffic,spills dropped items area and this type of floor is easily damaged


zedsmith t1_jabf6ii wrote

I’ve never had a call back for buckling floors from installing floating floors under cabinetry. 🤷🏽


sadpanda___ t1_jacct2j wrote

This. Go ahead and lay flooring. No issues putting cabinets over LVP.


rettuhS t1_jabh80j wrote

There used to be these old laminate flooring with badly designed connections, that you would have to let sit for a day before you could place furniture on it. Modern flooring with ''click'' plastic connections are stable. They do not need to move and they should not move. If even one piece moves and damages the connection (which never happened in my 5 years of expeprience), then the piece would pop out and you will have to replace the pieces with damaged connections.


olympiamow t1_jabao3x wrote

I wouldn't put it under cabinets just incase you want to change your flooring in the future. If you put it under the cabinets then you my find yourself removing the cabinets to remove the floor. Or doing a hack job cutting it out. Save yourself the future headache, no finished flooring under cabinets.


therealdilbert t1_jabvlwc wrote

so do a hack job now by not installing a full floor, instead of maybe possibly doing a hack job later by cutting the floor