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Noir_Ocelot t1_jawbwv4 wrote

Some of the other documentaries posted on the channel are great as well, I found the "Choosing to Die" especially poignant.


WookieWeed t1_jawjloa wrote

It took a lot of digging on this website to find exactly how the palm oil industry is harming orangutans.

"After palm oil plantations are established, displaced starving orangutans are frequently killed in the most brutal ways as agricultural pests when they try to obtain food in the plantation areas."

It would do a great service to their cause to come out and say this on the front page then wondering how the these orangutans are dying. It got confusing with all the logging talk and while all is bad exactly how they're being harmed is of the most concern.


KingJoffer t1_jawlq9q wrote

They also lose habitat from deforestation as palm tree farms are not suitable for swinging (their main method of mobility). They are forced to walk on their legs which is harmful long term, they cannot effectively find mates in forests fragmented by farmland, and they cannot get sufficient nutrients from the palm trees to survive.

I know you were just making a point about the site, just thought we should list more of the reasons.


WookieWeed t1_jawmgut wrote

Thank you for the information about the deforestation, its powerful to know exactly how they're being harmed. I was becoming frustrated wanting to learn more about orangutans plight.


FluphyBunny t1_jax1erb wrote

I love his books. Discworld is an amazing creation.


FloogleFinagler t1_jaxf1a3 wrote

Why so precious about it? If we can't laugh at the shit life throws at us, we might as well top ourselves.

You lot are just too wound up!

I reiterate my question, why am I so awful?

You come at me like a hoard of republicans, feeling offended and insulted by everything and you have no Idea what you are bitching about. And personal insults too? Who are the awful ones?

Keep whining and downvoting all you want, I just don't care for your irrational behaviour. Bring it on.

Oh by the way, you are all going to die, probably in ways you never considered. Don't waste time being little bitches.


[deleted] t1_jaxgw6v wrote

Crosspost this with r/wallstreetbets. Those bastards have money to burn and they also love helping out their fellow apes.


Dessert-fathers t1_jaxhccp wrote

>It would do a great service to their cause to come out and say this on the front page

That would be seen as racist, which is why it's buried. People are not supposed to be asking these types of questions; just open your hearts and wallets and give generously.


KrasierFrane t1_jaxhqdc wrote

Well, I hope you're just being edgy on purpose, otherwise your inability to understand why this joke wasn't too good might suggest some developmental disabilities.

Just take an L and moved on, your joke wasn't that well received, try harder next time.


CaptainChaos74 t1_jaxnp2c wrote

Possibly, but recursive acronyms were already a popular joke in the hacker space when GNU came out in 1984, while Going Postal wasn't published until 2004.

I think it might actually be the reverse: Terry Pratchett might have been paying homage to Richard Stallman. Pratchett was a computer geek, and the book is about automated communication, like a computer network, so it's not beyond the realm of possibilities.

The GNU in the book are disruptors who fight against the big corporation that runs the semaphore, just like the real-life GNU was a disruptor that went up against the big corporations that sold UNIX. And in the end they won. If you have an Android phone, it runs GNU/Linux. 😀


lavahot t1_jaxopj8 wrote

Wow, TIL! Thanks for the analysis. I knew it was too good a coincidence to not be related. I'm not that familiar with Terry Pratchett's work, and I always think his work is older than it actually is.


Dioxid3 t1_jaxwc6k wrote

In this case, as posted by RoboLemur, it stands for an infinite repetition of sending a message – gnu is supposed to go, not be logged, and sent back after coming at the end.

So for as long as the message gets relayed, they won’t be forgotten.

GNU Terry


Sovereign444 t1_jayfnwh wrote

I’m surprised that all these so-called fans of Sir Terry and his humour are angry at this pretty darkly funny comment. I feel like Pratchett himself would laugh at this sort of thing. But internet people have to be angry on his behalf?


AlexanderDaychilde t1_jays7t6 wrote

Well, looks like something pisses you off:

I'd imagine whatever it was that was deleted was tasteless and crass. Kinda like the "joke" in this subthread.

Kinda like if someone called Fred Rogers, I dunno, an edgelord or racist or something.

You can say whatever you want, but if people value the thing you're attacking, don't be surprised if your "freeze peach" is not appreciated. Or in this case, the person who made the joke.

I guess you, internet person, can be angry on behalf of /u/FloogleFinagler. Oh, but that's different.


35202129078 t1_jazgliq wrote

Video is blocked in Australia for some reason


Qverlord37 t1_jazupi7 wrote

I learned about Terry Pratchett a little too late, it was around last year did I came across discword, and only now did I learn that he passes years ago.

his writing in Discworld is really fascinating.

my favorite is the ending to Hogfather.

>"All right, I'm not stupid. You're saying that humans need fantasies to make life bearable."
>"No. Humans need fantasy to be human. To be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape."
>"With tooth fairies? Hogfathers?"
>"Yes. As practice, you have to start out learning to believe the little lies."
>"So we can believe the big ones?"
>"Yes. Justice, mercy, duty. That sort of thing."
>"They're not the same at all!"
>"You think so? Then take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder and sieve it through the finest sieve and THEN show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy. And yet... you try to act as if there is some ideal order in the world. As if there is some... some rightness in the universe by which it may be judged."
>"But people have got to believe that, or what's the point?"
>"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?"

it gave me a different perspective on religion.


ThelLibrarian t1_jazxak0 wrote

Loved his books, saved me from depressive moments plenty of times. We lost something special when he passed

GNU Terry


Dessert-fathers t1_jb0cf3f wrote

> orangutans are frequently killed in the most brutal ways as agricultural pests

The local population of people are brutally killing orangutans, but pointing that out is politically incorrect. Which is why this fact is buried on that website and why my post is being downvoted.


Borghal t1_jb13kns wrote

"Video is not rated. Log in to watch."

Pray tell, how is me giving you a random email address and cloggign your DB with an account I will only use once going to change anything about that, VIMEO?



Borghal t1_jb142r4 wrote

Have you got some translation there? Because the original goes a bit differently:

>-- "Yes, but people have got to believe that, or what's the point—"


Stanazolmao t1_jb2v7w8 wrote

I mean, unless you somehow imply the local population is killing the orangutans because of their race, how would anyone even accuse you of racism? Everyone knows that people who live in an area are the local population


Dessert-fathers t1_jb3lgkx wrote

>Everyone knows that people who live in an area are the local population

Apparently not, that's what sparked this whole side-thread; someone asked "how they were dying" and couldn't find it readily until they dug and found that quote.


Dessert-fathers t1_jb4sezu wrote

Right, he wanted to know how they were dying since the palm trees themselves weren't killing them. Turns out it's a combo of habitat loss and being killed hacked apart with machetes by the Indigenous population. And now we know the rest of the story.


Dessert-fathers t1_jb5l69v wrote

"It's common practice to burn the land before developing a palm oil plantation"

"Many of those that escaped the fires ended up on plantations and in villages-- desperatelylooking for food and protection from the fires. Starving, tired, wounded or sick, many became easy prey for poachers who saw an opportunity to make easy money selling the meatfrom the adults and putting the babies up for sale on the black market. Mothers were butchered and their babies were plucked off their dead and dying bodies in order to be sold into the illegal pet trade."


BallOfHormones t1_jb8pmij wrote

Just wanted to plug Terry Pratchett: A Life with Footnotes, the biography by Rob Wilkins. The section where Wilkins talks about the filming of these three documentaries had me crying my eyes out.