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grapedungeon95 t1_jbng768 wrote

Not sure it's mentioned in the documentary but the neighborhood is the neighborhood of a city councilperson who was and remains an advocate for defending the police.

It's an important angle to the insane maliciousnes of this maneuver.

Edit: Defunding* thank you commentor


Darwins_Dog t1_jbo1l9x wrote

Defending or defunding?


superdude4agze t1_jboo42q wrote


Big difference in that little typo.

So take a councilman that is gung-ho about defund the police, was instrumental to cutting the LAPD budget by $150M, and then the (as is typical) lies from the LAPD about how they exploded the fireworks in the neighborhood "because they were too volatile" to take elsewhere (while ignoring that the cop that loaded the truck did so with bare hands and not wearing a bomb suit) and you can see there might be a malicious purpose to the organized crime/protection racket that is the LAPD.


MacDerfus t1_jboleko wrote

This typo is the difference between being funny or sad


now_you_see t1_jbog9t4 wrote

This article talks about them a deciding (and then backtracking once chewed out) they weren’t going to continue paying for the hotels for the residences who’d been made homeless by their actions and the way he spoke about them was….well, he certainly wouldn’t have spoken about millionaires that way.

I assume you’re talking about the same person?