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partial_birth t1_jdeaee5 wrote

I'm pretty skeptical of anything that tries to use the word "scientism".


timodreynolds t1_jdfcs16 wrote

Yeah... I don't think Clive staples Lewis was the intellectual giant most christians seem to think he was.


whnthynvr OP t1_jde13kg wrote

Part 2 of a trilogy.


The Magician's Twin is about Lewis' warnings of how where dehumanizing scientism would take us in ethics, politics, education, faith, reason, and even in science itself. Explores Lewis' views on bioethics, eugenics, evolution, intelligent design, and what he called "scientocracy."


onelittleworld t1_jdfrhce wrote

>The Magician's Twin is about Lewis's warnings of how dehumanizing scientism would take us in ethics, politics, education, faith, reason, and even in science itself.

This sentence is gibberish. It literally says nothing.


MoarTacos t1_jdfavnx wrote

This sounds sketch as fuck