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Maccabee2 t1_iqrrgk5 wrote

What happened to the student group pushing this? UC Berkeley is anti Israel, and only tolerates Jewish people who enable their progressive agenda.


ZSCroft t1_iqrucxg wrote

Telling lies is a bad look dude at least admit you were mistaken lol


Maccabee2 t1_iqseuzs wrote Still won't look it up? Here, since you insist on being spoon fed.
Unless they reversed themselves in the last few days, in which case I will gladly delete my comment. Even then, that they would cave in to a handful of student groups is reprehensible.


ZSCroft t1_iqsgbnb wrote

> The University of California, Berkeley, was slammed Friday for creating “Jewish-free zones” after nine student groups adopted a rule forbidding pro-Israel speakers at events.

That’s not a Jewish free zone where does it say Jewish people aren’t allowed? You’re still lying


pjw21200 t1_iqsvji5 wrote

Oh boy the New York Post? Man you are stupid. It was never “Jewish-free.” It was a policy or by law that SOME student groups adopted about pro-apartheid Israeli speakers not be allowed on campus. The dean said this was not acceptable for students groups to do. This they were struck down.


pjw21200 t1_iqru26n wrote

I don’t know? Do you think they should be banned for using their First Amendment rights?


pjw21200 t1_iqruabu wrote

No they are not. They are extremely pro-Israel. Plus idk why you would support a country with some of highest abortion rates in the world.


Elementaryfan t1_iqsm9yy wrote

People have been "warning" about (non-existent) rise of fascism for decades. It's not happening. We're closer to 2045 than 1945. Stop living in the past.


pjw21200 t1_iqsuyb5 wrote

Ummmm? Hungary? Italy? Le Pen? Poland? Putin? If that’s not fascism then you truly are naive.


Elementaryfan t1_iqsxe1o wrote

Literally the only one who comes close is Putin, and even then his rise to power was only made possible by the downfall of the communist state (Soviet Union) that also carried out imperialist policies for decades.
