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PoorPDOP86 t1_iqs8902 wrote

>does he talk about how much Hitler was influenced by America's "Manifest Destiny" in the mid 19th century, and used it as a justification for the calls for Lebensraum, or "Living Space", for Germans?

Probably mentions it but knowing that Burns isn't some shill for the "Europe never does anything wrong" crowd he probably also mentions the centuries of persecutions of Jews and minority groups in all of Europe.

Is there a difference? A natural conflict between two cultures that results in the near elimination of one versus the systemic and planned genocide of an entire people. Uh duhhhh I don't know /s. The propaganda is strong with Reddit today.


Whatisthisisitbad t1_iqw0jyv wrote

>Is there a difference? A natural conflict between two cultures that results in the near elimination of one versus

Natural conflict?

> the systemic and planned genocide of an entire people. Uh duhhhh I don't know /s. The propaganda is strong with Reddit today.

I'm not going for a derr America bad take, I'm honestly saying that when you dig down into what the US did and what Hitler planned, it's pretty similar. Distinction without a difference