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Marchesa-LuisaCasati t1_isxnbq8 wrote

Well, it seems like you enjoy telling people they're sub-optimal and appear to lack compassion & disregard what other people write about their own experiences.

I took this course in about 1991 before the internet was much of a thing and even word processing was a clunky f-key driven mess. GUIs didn't exist in the consumer market. My university had only recently rolled out email. The course description didn't include any programming prerequisite. The course was described as a PSYCHOLOGY class without mention of the requirement to code. Sure, today, it would be reasonable to encounter & produce code in a graduate cognitive psych course. But in 1991, what i experienced was akin to showing up for a literature course and getting a calculus class instead. The phrases "AI" and "machine learning" weren't in popular circulation at that time. "Social media" and it's assorted algorithms weren't in existence. I assure you, i gave it a shot because i was interested but the instructor failed to teach HOW to do what he was requiring us to do. I suspect he didn't know what he was doing and was hoping to luck into a student project he could plagiarize or, at a minimum, lift code from. I got the distinct impression he wanted to do research in what became AI but didn't have the chops to get a grant and fund a lab. It was so egregiously off the mark from what the class was supposed to be (as described by the university's own published description) that i received a full refund despite having dropped the class outside the window to receive one. I wasn't the only student who dropped the course and filed a complaint.

And as, well, a nurse, i'm trained to save lives. I'm not sure if there's a profession which is called upon with more frequency to serve their communities. Good job being condescending! A+

Have a lovely day.