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PabloTheGod t1_j0i44xc wrote

Anyone saying that kids should be placed in an adult correctional facility for any crime, even serious and violent crimes clearly has no idea what they're talking about. Both from the child psychology perspective and what really happens in prisons.


reflUX_cAtalyst t1_j0ifis3 wrote

Thanks for your example of someone who has no idea what they're talking about.


[deleted] t1_j0kwr9n wrote

What would you have done with the murderers of the toddler James Bulger? He was wheeled away in his push chair while his mother wasn’t looking and sexually assaulted then tortured to death by two ten year olds.

They went to adult prison. I get that they’re children and capable of changing and reforming but is it ok that the occupants of a children’s detention centre who have committed much lesser crimes should be kept in with two child killers?


Fikkia t1_j0kyjps wrote

I just remember the two kids who took a baby, covered it in paint to suffocate it and then left it on some train tracks to watch it get cut in half.

There are kids I don't think should have second chances. Psychopaths are psychopaths.


[deleted] t1_j0kz9vr wrote

What’s odd is that the supposed ring leader at the time (Thompson) is said to have been successfully rehabilitated and has committed no further crimes. He now lives under a state provided new identity, and is said to live with a partner who’s the only person who knows who he really is (other than legal people).

The other (Venables) has become a life long sexual predator, and now has multiple convictions which will probably mean he’ll be never released again. He’s cost the UK hundreds of thousands in new identities which he’s then blown himself by committing more crimes.


chunkyluke t1_j0l1gno wrote

Humans have a remarkable ability to react to situations in a totally individualised way.