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DancinWithWolves t1_j0krels wrote

Can you explain what you mean? It sounds like you’ve just repeated your argument.

Imo, the justice system should not be punitive, but rehabilitative. Simple. All evidence points to the fact that modern prisons do nothing to rehabilitate, and have a net negative effect on society. They cost us, the tax payer, a stupid amount of money, and make private companies profit off of human suffering.

Anyone who advocates for putting a child into an adult prison is, in my opinion, sick.

(Source: worked for years in youth justice, juvenile detention, child protection, and psychology).


subzero112001 t1_j0kwsms wrote

You said it’s an out of date concept. Why would something that is rational and reasonably applies to present day be considered “out of date”?

A purely “rehabilitative” justice system would merely be abused by just about every single criminal. There would be zero repercussions.

Many criminals perform a crime because they believe that there won’t be any repercussions. Literally changing the system so there are no repercussions would cause crime rates to explode causing a complete destruction of our society.

I find it humorous how you’ve altered my statement of “the punishment should fit the crime” and molded it towards “children deserve to go to prison with adults”, which is not what I stated.


theLiteral_Opposite t1_j0kzjv9 wrote

Why have countries who moved to rehabilitative systems not had their societies destroyed and explode?