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StuartGotz t1_j3z35wn wrote

So funny to see the reactions of the rich people when they arrive and see the shitty tents they're supposed to sleep in.


oh-hidanny t1_j3zpnzp wrote

Apparently, this is a big misconception.

The first groups to come paid around $200. Which is actually really cheap for a music festival and a place to stay (if it would have worked out).


Svenskensmat t1_j4039og wrote

Similar type of tent package for Tomorrowland costs €1,400. It includes flight tickets (at least in Europe) too though.

As well as an actual festival.


Richard_Sauce t1_j43xchb wrote

Eh, they spent 200 for the ticket, then hundreds more for travel, and who knows how much they put into the cashless currency system.

I don't know that they were rich, but they weren't poor.


oh-hidanny t1_j445hhj wrote

That doesn't make them rich.

People budget, it doesn't make them wealthy to afford a trip for $500. Dirt poor? Probably not. But rich? No. Not based off of $500. Lol.

Edit: and that's a lot of assumptions you made. Lol.


alabasterwilliams t1_j3zi046 wrote

The best part is they knew about sleeping in tents, and some were miffed that they had tents to sleep in.

Like, I understand they were billed as luxury tents, but…a tent is a tent is a tent.


Jpark2485 t1_j3zya07 wrote

But… according to most documentary evidence, tents, luxury or not, were not all set up and created a free for all in securing your domicile. That’s the whole point of how fucked up things became. Lord of the flies type shit.


Caveman108 t1_j442u37 wrote

I’ve done glamping at a music fest before and those tents get pretty fancy. Most are very spacious geodesic domes, have very comfortable beds, chargers, side tables, and usually are in a separate area with premium food and drink vendors.


Enshakushanna t1_j3znumw wrote

some tickets were going for only 1000 dollars bro, its not just rich people like the stupid memes wouild like you to believe...