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ChuckRocksEh t1_j4i0xzf wrote

This guy paints a picture of the US dropping nukes as a bad thing. Numbers alone suggest that’s incorrect, 2 million Japanese died in WW2, the whole world lost 3% of people. Scores of people. If the US hadn’t dropped the bombs untold numbers of people would have died. The US didn’t roar into WW2 they were pulled in after trying to stay out. This guys a fuckin idiot.


CupResponsible797 t1_j4i2k55 wrote

I don't think you're entirely wrong, but there exists a strong counterpoint to this.

Many argue that Japan did not capitulate because of the nukes, Japan capitulated because Soviet Union entered the war.


ChuckRocksEh t1_j4i45ie wrote

Oh man, I agree a web diagram could go in a thousand directions but we only know what happened because of what happened.