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sleadbetterzz t1_j6rl7ym wrote

Yeh, I'd much rather I was in a Chinese concentration camp with the Uyghurs than an American one with Iraqis.


CILISI_SMITH t1_j6rrgzb wrote

China have to be the good guys if the US are the bad guys.

If you try to make me consider that life has any more complexity or nuance I'm going to label you as a bad guy so I can ignore you.


normallypissedoff t1_j6s50ee wrote

You’d rather have your internal organs stolen?


Koboldsftw t1_j6sh1jk wrote

The Falun Gong, a very trustworthy source with other hits like the Epoch Times


normallypissedoff t1_j725q4i wrote

I can’t skip fast enough when those epoch commercial come on. The stealing of organs has been reported on by quite a few… it’s not quite the same as Jewish space lasers.