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Iheardyoubutsowhat t1_j9w2vsm wrote

There are points in this doc where the ambiance of restaurant at its original location, summer and diners just really takes me to wonderfully nostalgic place that is so difficult to find in America


Wood_Water t1_j9yd680 wrote

This is my all time favorite documentary for exactly this reason. It's such a specific, yet vague feeling. Like, how can I miss and long for a place that I've never been to?


-Johnny- t1_j9ykrt9 wrote

Have you been to NYC? I just recently went for the first time and this feeling still exists in some places. I got this feeling from a few places in DC too.


Wood_Water t1_ja49mcc wrote

Never, but I've had that feeling a few times in downtown Detroit. Something about how the sunlight interacts with the tall buildings. Summery shadows.