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rayrayww3 t1_ja3sgv2 wrote

There is another way that these media outlets hide the truth... by burying the story. This allows them to claim to be reporting on something, while keeping people in the dark. In the old days, it was placing the article on page A22 of the newspaper. Now it is placing it 3 clicks away from the front page.

I checked the waybackmachine for each of your citations. I can not find the articles on the front page of the afternoon capture for any of them. That includes the Trump one, which is hard to believe considering CNN has had 10 Trump-bashing articles per day, every day, up to the present.


codygoug t1_ja3ubj5 wrote

I found those in 2min of googling all from just one mainstream news outlet . I can find plenty more that examine it from different angles and had more exposure but you can google things yourself and i've made my point.


rayrayww3 t1_ja3vqbo wrote

And I spent 10 minutes scouring the waybackmachine and can not find the articles anywhere on

Which proved my point- that the stories exist but are buried to the point they can't be found. And you further proved my point- that people will google what they want to find and then say "See! It's right there! They do report on it!"


FLRSH t1_ja46plt wrote

Also, it's easier to print and bury than live record and bury. Which is why you'll even more rarely see televised CNN pundets question defense spending or budget cuts.