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fuscator t1_je9k4te wrote

I know of no other nationality who would post a picture to EarthPorn without mentioning which country it is in.

So I'm going to assume this is in the US?


Sportabout OP t1_je9kz5f wrote

I did put Northern MI, thought that was good enough 🤷🏻‍♀️


fuscator t1_je9olmk wrote

What is Northern MI? Do you know where in the world I mean if I say Northern Ale?


amcartney t1_je9q5gz wrote

Not American and I know it’s Michigan


fuscator t1_je9st55 wrote

So where is North Ale?


amcartney t1_je9tumd wrote

Although you are fairly insufferable so I’m going to guess somewhere in the United Kingdom.

Oh my turn! I live in Katherine, NT, where is that?


M1N1wheats009 t1_jeb3l1w wrote

It’s around the corner from Southern Gin, iirc. Source: I’m from one of the few places you go South to get to Canada, and no it’s not AK.


MysteryBeans t1_je9v6fg wrote

I'm not saying you have zero point with your first comment, but this is not a reasonable comparison in terms of global recognition. Google "Northern MI" and it shows the location. Google "Northern Ale" and it shows breweries. Google "Northern Ale" location and it shows breweries.