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Remarkable-Party-385 t1_je7pszm wrote

Upper or lower?


Sportabout OP t1_je7s9ub wrote

Lower! Empire Bluff Trail, I'm about 10 minutes from it right now.


ConstantPessimist t1_je8458c wrote

That’s sleeping bear dunes in the distance! This is one of my favorite spots in world, I dream of retiring up near there someday


Ineedmedstoo t1_je8ewge wrote

Love sleeping bear dunes. Even have a sand cast bear I got at the Glen Lake Workshop in Burdockville 50 years ago. Read that place finally closed. I have great photos and memories from there.


Blustatecoffee t1_je8p74x wrote

Hi! Just a note that it was 13F today with the wind chill, and snow flurries. We’re a little north of there. Still wintry conditions.


thescrounger t1_je9y1bz wrote

I knew that view when I saw it. We just hiked that trail last year. Amazing views.


Ineedmedstoo t1_je7apds wrote

Gorgeous. That's a view from my childhood and it's still just as beautiful. Thanks for sharing this.


LittleNerfHerder t1_je8kn2h wrote

Dad is from Empire and my 3 brothers and I all grew up working on the Platte River… I miss it very much.


handbanana9023 t1_je7ud39 wrote

Damn, sometimes I forget how beautiful my home state is. Really want to do a visit where I can road trip around the coast.


chubchug420 t1_je8f3h9 wrote

Would love to see a sunset pic. Fellow Michigander here!


blitzChron t1_je9fd8w wrote

looks like snow... but thats impossible, the beach is always warm!


PrimeroRocin t1_jea4viq wrote

Spent my entire youth in that area and I can say I know the exact spot where you are in this picture. That’s weird.


SM1955 t1_jeaoi7u wrote

My mom’s family is from right around there, and I have the BEST memories of Glen Lake, Sleeping Bear, Lake Michigan, my uncle’s & grandpa’s farm…the most gorgeous place in the world! My Aunt Dorothy had a little shop where she sold the pottery she made in the basement, and also petosky stone polishing kits with ‘the legend of Sleeping Bear’ in them. Very fond memories—thanks for your post! I loved it up there so much! Too many people now…


Sportabout OP t1_jeapb36 wrote

I'm happy for the money tourism brings but having family up here it gets a bit frustrating when every place is PACKED when I come up during the busy season. I'm thankful for this time in between winter and spring, the weather isn't bad and I'm almost always the only person one the trails. It's super peaceful and I love the solitude (I'm from the Detroit area so I need a break from people 🤣).


Coconutrugby t1_je8bmil wrote

I learned recently the lake is now blue because of hundreds of trillions of invasive mussels. Looks pretty tho.


republicanvaccine t1_je8uqkm wrote

It was also blue before. And some nearby inland lakes are/ were turquoise and teal. Now more pronounced.


PapiSurane t1_je97o7o wrote

So the mussels made the colors stronger?


nordic_ninja1 t1_je9c89y wrote

They did. They steal a lot of oxygen and kill off aquatic plants (and bait fish sadly) makes the silt more prevalent and will turn the water a bright turquoise. I will message you a pretty cool photo of it 2 years ago when I was walking the shoreline.


RyGuy1982 t1_je993p0 wrote

I have property on that lake and the change has been pretty drastic over the last 20-30 years. The zebra mussels have cleared the water so much that the plant growth in the water has exploded. The areas of shallow sandy water that I played in as a child are now completely overgrown in sea weed. Wear your water shoes those little guys are sharp.


4theReason t1_je9eg53 wrote

a friend of mine told me that you can do this as a job. is it a job, your housesitting, or is it a house of friends/family?!


Sportabout OP t1_je9gfb3 wrote

I'm very fortunate to have family up here! I told them no matter when they go on a trip I'll make myself available to house sit, I love it up here!


TropFemme t1_je9sndi wrote

Do yourself a favor and go drive up to do the Pyramid Point trail! Not far from you.


MeloneFxcker t1_je9t6nz wrote

Jury's still out, but you can't deny that view


JLaz20 t1_jea8gr3 wrote

I know that trail! Empire Bluffs :) Hiked it all the time as a kid. There’s a classic picture of me and my sisters standing on the bench right there as kids


purplenelly t1_jeaok84 wrote

Not many other houses in sight!


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toastibot t1_je90qsg wrote

Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.

> Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.

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Statertater t1_jeb1cvk wrote

I can’t complain either, thanks for posting!


strangeWolf17 t1_jeba8wx wrote

North MI is seriously underrated. One of my absolute favourite places to stay, especially in the fall! So pretty.


Magz341 t1_jec0tgc wrote

Literally saw this and said “oh that’s a little north of me” best view ever!


fuscator t1_je9k4te wrote

I know of no other nationality who would post a picture to EarthPorn without mentioning which country it is in.

So I'm going to assume this is in the US?


Sportabout OP t1_je9kz5f wrote

I did put Northern MI, thought that was good enough 🤷🏻‍♀️


fuscator t1_je9olmk wrote

What is Northern MI? Do you know where in the world I mean if I say Northern Ale?


amcartney t1_je9q5gz wrote

Not American and I know it’s Michigan


fuscator t1_je9st55 wrote

So where is North Ale?


amcartney t1_je9tumd wrote

Although you are fairly insufferable so I’m going to guess somewhere in the United Kingdom.

Oh my turn! I live in Katherine, NT, where is that?


M1N1wheats009 t1_jeb3l1w wrote

It’s around the corner from Southern Gin, iirc. Source: I’m from one of the few places you go South to get to Canada, and no it’s not AK.


MysteryBeans t1_je9v6fg wrote

I'm not saying you have zero point with your first comment, but this is not a reasonable comparison in terms of global recognition. Google "Northern MI" and it shows the location. Google "Northern Ale" and it shows breweries. Google "Northern Ale" location and it shows breweries.