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joeclarkestudio OP t1_jbe6hh2 wrote

Taken at Jokulsarlon ice lagoon in Iceland. It's an incredible place whenever you go but for me the magic started happening around sunset, as the beautiful golden hour light began illuminating the ice from behind. I noticed this particular shard of ice lit up in perfect contrast to the icebergs around it, its bright blue colour glowing like a jewel in the lagoon.

For more of my work, feel free to visit my Instagram


Miserable_Ad7689 t1_jbf68n4 wrote

Looks like a painting!


joeclarkestudio OP t1_jbf9hx7 wrote

thanks! I often try and look for painterly scenes/ emulate that feeling with my work so I'm pleased you think so


sushitastesgood t1_jbg3yen wrote

I took a look at your website and you have some awesome shots! I'm really interested in your process. Do you write about it anywhere? Do you shoot film, or is this a simulation? The edit looks extremely good!


joeclarkestudio OP t1_jbg6oqg wrote

that's very kind of you to say, glad to hear it. I've not talked about it a lot to be honest but did recently do this interview which sort of offers some detail. I shoot both digital and film but like to try and emulate certain qualities of film with my digital work (like this one) such as grain structures and tonal qualities. Thanks again for the comment, always happy to answer questions


Processtour t1_jbhvcez wrote

We ended our day there too. It’s so magical, the whole country is, you can’t go wrong with a vacation at Iceland!


Tigerstorm6 t1_jbfevry wrote

I have played way too much Destiny and I can’t unsee a Pyramid ship.


vince959 t1_jbh98ub wrote

Come here to find Destiny comments, not disappointed.


nevikjames t1_jbh3jee wrote

Maybe by the end of the Final Shape we'll have our own Pyramid ship imbued with the Light. Or at least that's what I would imagine it would look like.


rfox90 t1_jbehu5q wrote

That place was f%^king incredible.


cassc87 t1_jbfmfo1 wrote

When I went it was raining all day so I slept in that parking lot. Woke up to these glaciers. I will never wake up to anything so beautiful ever again.


DiligerentJewl t1_jbgmbdm wrote

So very worth it even though it was an all day thing to get there from Reykjavik. Incredible sights.


JPLstagehand t1_jbeqdam wrote

I straight up thought this was a water color painting at first.


joeclarkestudio OP t1_jbeqyeu wrote

I’m glad you thought this. I get inspiration from paintings and often look for painterly scenes/ try to emulate them in my work


laszlo t1_jbezr60 wrote


Iceland is endlessly photogenic, but even still, very few of the photos really seem to capture the magic of the place. This one does. Incredible.

I went 5 years ago and still think about it every day. Also, if you feel like it, I'm sure r/VisitingIceland would like this, as well.


joeclarkestudio OP t1_jbf0xl6 wrote

Thank you for the kind words, it means a lot and I'm glad you like it.


WavesOfEchoes t1_jbgxzng wrote

100%. We just got back from Iceland and we took a ton of amazing pictures, but they’re not even close to the real thing. Literally jaw dropping in multiple places.


RayCrew t1_jbh6jh8 wrote

Rhulk, the first disciple, awaits within


wo1f-cola t1_jbfxruc wrote

I visited Iceland with my wife in March of 2016, and we had planned to drives early in the morning to see the sunrise here. I had planned on proposing that morning.

The day before were walking around one of the many gorgeous waterfalls in Iceland, and we decided to follow a path leading away from where all the other tourists were. We found a secret waterfall that was hidden within a very short tunnel/cave. I said to hell with the plan and decided this was the spot. I told my wife I was setting ip the camera to get a picture of us, then proposed. She said yes, we’re happily married, yada yada yada. All this to say, Iceland is great.

Funny story though. The next day our car got stuck for 8 hours on the road because I tried to plow through a pile of snow drift on our way to Jokulsarlon. We never made it there, so good thing I asked the day before.


vagrantheather t1_jbgort8 wrote

Lol, I know that exact place, we visited in 2021. It is much more well known now! Too many people taking photos there to even really enter and explore. I'm glad you got to see it without the masses, I bet it felt incredible to stumble onto.


Purraxxus t1_jbgrc4a wrote

The trick is to go in the low season. When i went in October, it was pretty calm. I went in and out of there without coming across other people


Artiphact t1_jbggfg3 wrote

The witness is coming.


swissm4n t1_jbeok4t wrote

Beautiful photo. The weather was dogshit when I went there, but it was great nonetheless. My favourite part of Iceland was the region around lake Myvatn, so little tourists (at least back then) and so much stuff to see.


joeclarkestudio OP t1_jbeotns wrote

Thank you. I haven’t visited Myvatn but just looked it up and it’s spectacular. Hopefully I’ll visit one day


Thor395 t1_jbgf5lv wrote

On the other hand, my experience at Myvatn was flies, flies, and more flies!! I would not go anywhere near summer time. Otherwise it’s beautiful. Also, Myvatn’s hot springs need hotter water lol.


neonitaly t1_jber8tp wrote

Lowkey wanna use this as an album cover


imadreamgirl t1_jbevtdk wrote

i’m thinking some kind of sparse electronic, maybe even ambient music to go w this as the cover


Bl4nxx t1_jbfmoqf wrote

I miss Iceland almost every day :(


[deleted] t1_jbhtx9g wrote

Did you find the Avatar though???


ohpus t1_jbetw3i wrote

The one on the right looks like it’s trying to eat the one on the left.


SoftSects t1_jbex08m wrote

Holy sh*t! I want this framed on my wall!


joeclarkestudio OP t1_jbf00e7 wrote

Ah that's awesome! I do sell prints of it on my website actually. If you did want one, send me a direct message as I offer 10% off for fellow redditors :)


Error1355 t1_jbf0i6s wrote

My brother had a destination wedding in Iceland and I'm so glad I went. I would have likely never visited there on my own volition but that whole country is so damn beautiful. Zero regrets. I even want to go back one day.


joeclarkestudio OP t1_jbf1l4p wrote

Amazing isn't it. Also desperate to go back one day, have so much more to explore


racoonprinter t1_jbf5s8b wrote

My partner and I joke that we will name one of our kids Jokulsarlon because it just rolls off the tongue.


AGJustin05 t1_jbf65bo wrote

woah, kinda looks like a watercolor painting.


joeclarkestudio OP t1_jbf9o0c wrote

ah so glad you think so, I often try to emulate that with my work


Troooooooooll t1_jbf7zof wrote

Time to go wake him up, he’s been gone for 100 years


acatalephobic t1_jbf9w3c wrote

This so reminds me of an old website I used to use that was focused specifically on color pallette design. And every time I try to remember the name, there's some weird block in my memory.

But, regardless, this photo is spectacular. I've never been to Iceland (so it may just be my synesthesia talking here) but...this image really evokes a distinct feeling. As all true art does, IMHO.

Thank you very much for this share. ❤️‍🔥


mooegy17 t1_jbfghfm wrote

Wow absolutely beautiful.. Looks like a breathtaking gemstone! ♥️


bukithd t1_jbfhfdu wrote

Been there. No one believes that this is simply a hop skip and a jump from the main road. Got to watch a couple seals play in the bay.


joeclarkestudio OP t1_jbfi2yj wrote

Amazing isn’t it. Jealous about the seals though, I’ll have to return..


bukithd t1_jbfn722 wrote

I think I spent more time wandering around diamond beach though. Never felt that small with how open that beach area is.


partialcremation t1_jbfja34 wrote

Try to make it to Iceland. You won't regret it. Across the road from OP's image is the black sand beach. Imagine seeing such beauty back to back. That's basically all of Iceland!


toastibot t1_jbeopss wrote

Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.

> Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.

> Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter.


[deleted] t1_jbf06ch wrote



Wlf773 t1_jbf56tc wrote

Jokulsarlon roughly translates to Glacial Lagoon. Which is a very accurate description of the place!


Wlf773 t1_jbf5elh wrote

When I went, we walked down the glacial river to the mouth afterwards. Just the beautiful colors in the ice compared to the stark black-sand beach and endless waves. So ethereally gorgeous.


tslnox t1_jbfduz9 wrote

A frozen Tel'tak.


MrDudeSirMan t1_jbg0rl9 wrote

This and the diamond beach were some of my favorite parts of Iceland!


GoggleThomas t1_jbg6a1i wrote

This looks absolutely beautiful, think I just found my new desktop wallpaper


joeclarkestudio OP t1_jbg7fu4 wrote

love to hear it!


GoggleThomas t1_jbg9g4i wrote

I'm not gonna lie looking through all your art is really making me want to try and get back into photography. Your work is really great


joeclarkestudio OP t1_jbgah9q wrote

ah thank you, that's nice to hear. and definitely do, I sometimes have down time but am always happy when i start shooting again


epithete52 t1_jbgfaha wrote

Magical! I have been there but this is far better than what I saw there. Congrats!


vagrantheather t1_jbgno44 wrote

This was probably my favorite place in Iceland. Next time, I'm spending all day there.


LeoReaper t1_jbgpu3h wrote

Default Windows wallpaper vibe


anon4275 t1_jbgvjqd wrote

Are you sure that this isn't just the album cover from some prog rock band?


s0n1cm0nk3y t1_jbh8rt9 wrote

Is this the full res image? I'd love to have this at full res as a desktop wallpaper.


joeclarkestudio OP t1_jbisr70 wrote

glad you like it! and sorry but i sell it as a print so can't send out the high res file..


Odd_Lavishness_9485 t1_jbhndqq wrote

That is spectacularly gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your work with us. ❤️ I have a new place I want to visit. Thanks for the new vision of what can be found in Iceland.


morgeous t1_jbi1xdi wrote

Lawren Harris vibes


SexDefender27 t1_jbif831 wrote

I thought this was bright blue pillows and bedding lol


AutoModerator t1_jbe6cu1 wrote

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volksaholic t1_jbfejcd wrote

:) If this image violates the "Some visible land..." rule, I'd vote for adjusting the rule rather than eliminating images like this. To me, this embodies why I follow this subreddit perfectly. I can't tell... maybe that's land in the background, and I think I can make out a little detail so maybe it doesn't count as a silhouette. :)