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outofcontrol420 t1_jdtpv58 wrote

Looks wicked. I’m up in northern Alberta and they have been intense for about 2 months now. Almost every single night if it’s not cloudy


Western-Image7125 t1_jdtn7fv wrote

Amazing picture but I kind of doubt this is that near Calgary, the city lights would make it impossible to see the aurora this clearly. Maybe somewhere up north?


itspoots OP t1_jdtqywv wrote

it was 20minutes west. the storm was so strong anyone in Calgary proper could see them. even downtown.


Western-Image7125 t1_jdtt643 wrote

Interesting! When was this? My parents live in Calgary so I’m curious


itspoots OP t1_jdtwd3o wrote

evening of Thursday March 23 around 9:15pm. Everyone in the Alberta Aurora Chasers FB group was posting. I had friends back in the states that saw it (Minnesota and Iowa). It was a very big storm. Often you have to go to northern alberta to get them this strong.


Western-Image7125 t1_jdu277n wrote

Wow bad timing for them then, they visited us here in the States on the 23rd and still here for the next week


crankyape1534 t1_jdudfme wrote

r/skyporn for sure. Beautiful photo. Wish I could see them