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Purgent t1_jbxud08 wrote

Headed here the first week of June. Beautiful.


joeclarkestudio OP t1_jbxw14i wrote

It really is. Go to the Malga Contrin if you can and have a coffee with this view


Purgent t1_jbxw55n wrote

We will have a rental car so options are wide open. Thanks for the suggestion!


ChristophZee t1_jbymkcc wrote

Please bear in mind that you can only drive up to the Seiser Alm very early in the morning (I believe 9 am) or very late (after maybe 5pm), then the road is closed for private traffic. I‘m not sure about the times, but it’s something around that. Also you can only drive to Compatsch and have to walk or bike from there, if you don’t have a hotel up on the seiser alm.

My favorite is to drive up before sunrise, walk to a nice viewpoint and enjoy sunrise there. Then, after sunrise enjoy breakfast at one of the Almen/Malgas.


BleepBloopRobotA t1_jc2mfzo wrote

Any idea what the reason is for closures? Coming here at the end of May.


ChristophZee t1_jc2o8ob wrote

They want to reduce the traffic. The roads there are all very narrow one lane roads, and there are a lot of farmers who actually work there, so tourist cars are just a problem up there.

You can still get up by e.g. cable car


enjoytheshow t1_jbyesg6 wrote

It’s amazing. I also stayed a couple nights in Riva del Garda while I was in the area and I’ll never forget that place