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ayotechnology t1_jc4yzxz wrote

“Get Over Here!”


DevildogEx1 t1_jc6isx6 wrote

Honestly, best "Mortal Kombat" movie to be made. Love that scene and I came here to say this picture reminded me.of it.


salehmo t1_jc7qx7x wrote

I was thinking of the haunted forest stage before you reminded me of the movie lol


Kended t1_jc6ch2g wrote

Why does this forest look so artificial, like where are the bushes and ground foliage? Why do all the trees have so few limbs? Is this some special type of forest?


neongecko12 t1_jc6hhmd wrote

It's commercial woodland. They're planted in rows as it's easiest for the machinery to deal with. The trees grow up as they have to compete for light as they're so close together, there's no point growing branches low down, as that wastes energy.

It's not particularly biodiverse, but it's often better than most of the other profitable uses for the land in an environmental sense.


aCleverGroupofAnts t1_jc6og9a wrote

Any thoughts on the grass? In my part of the US, I've never seen a forest where the ground is covered in grass like that.


neongecko12 t1_jc6pk33 wrote

It's more than likely moss, not grass.


aCleverGroupofAnts t1_jc6pq9s wrote

Ohhh interesting. Still rather unusual from my perspective. Do they keep the ground clear from fallen leaves and branches?


neongecko12 t1_jc6rouz wrote

Not usually. Everything piles up underneath and gets slowly composted into the soil. Those sort of trees don't have very big branches anyway, so there's not much big litter. Just a constant falling of the needles.


kingpiss t1_jc79irf wrote

moss like that is pretty common in the pacific northwest


explodingwhale17 t1_jc6ho0x wrote

It looks like a tree plantation or heavily managed forest where an area was cleared years ago and replanted with seedlings all of the same age, in rows. This patch of forest will be cut at some time in the future. The forest as a whole is made of many patches of different ages, scheduled to be cut at different times.

The trees have dropped their lower limbs as they grew probably because of competition for light.

A tree that grows taller and puts less energy into maintaining lower limbs will be more successful in such an environment. Foresters plant trees closely enough to cause such growth as it results in straight, tall trunks.

There is a park like look to the scene because of the lack of understory. This is most likely also because of an even lack of light. If there were some dead trees there would be small areas of sunlight with grasses, ferns, small bushes, etc.

The second reason is that the forest floor is covered with moss. This means the area is wet enough of the time to support moss and may not be appropriate for many other plants that you might find in similar light levels. The carpet of pine needles that probably falls may also prevent the growth of some low understory plants.

At least, that's my interpretation of the scene.


Dovahkiinthesardine t1_jc6njfs wrote

most of Germany's forests nowadays were artificially planted. From the middle ages onwards and especially during the industrial revolution a lot was chopped down, then also again during both world wars, basically most forest were used industrially. After WW2 there was a lot of reforesting done


rapaxus t1_jc6rfxy wrote

And this true for basically all of Europe, with the exception of parts of Scandinavia and Russia. Nearly every forest here was planted by hand and is maintained.


VevroiMortek t1_jc70idc wrote

Europe has very few primeval forest left, a lot of planting by people has been done over the centuries


Seber t1_jc7lbb1 wrote

Im dichten Fichtendickicht sind dicke Fichten wichtig, im dichten Fichtendickicht nicken dicke Fichten tüchtig.

In English: >!In the dense spruce thicket, thick spruces are important, in the dense spruce thicket, thick spruces nod proficiently.!<


WedgeTurn t1_jc7jpz2 wrote

And I would argue that it's against the rules of this sub because it's clearly man-made


Yellow_XIII t1_jc5k64q wrote

What eyes?


Heggy5 t1_jc5shx0 wrote

I zoomed in looking for eyes. I couldn't find any. But right in the center there is something that I can't work out.. looks like a creature. Then I realised this is r/EarthPorn not r/Creepy


AFriendlyRedditUser2 t1_jc5uv2v wrote

I’m guessing OP meant the knots on the trees? They kinda look like eyes if you don’t look hard enough


seanbrockest t1_jc661yd wrote

In many countries knots are also known as eyes, but usually after they're cut into lumber.


Swajjjj t1_jc60hiz wrote

Looks like stump with moss growing on it


foospork t1_jc7a1td wrote

I live in the forest in Virginia.

If you go outside at night and shine a bright light, you’ll see hundreds of little green sparkles - the green color you see if you burn copper. I always thought these green sparkles were water droplets, dew, on the leaves on the forest floor.

One night I noticed that a particularly large sparkle seemed to move a little, so I bent down to see it closer.

I discovered that the green sparkles were the eyes of wolf spiders, these large but harmless spiders that are common around here.

I then realized that ALL of those hundreds of green sparkles were spiders’ eyes. Hundreds and hundreds of them.

And then that big one made a run at me.

I got back in the house real quick.

So, yeah: those woods in the picture are probably full of thousands of spiders, you just can’t see them in this photo.


seanbrockest t1_jc666sf wrote

When you cut through a knot while turning a log into lumber, the resulting mark is sometimes called an eye. I've never heard it applied to a live tree though.


xavier4eversud t1_jc53nkg wrote

Good photo, the right place and the right angle


snacktonomy t1_jc51d7t wrote

Is this where Dark was filmed?


CCHS_Band_Geek t1_jc5zlpf wrote

No, Dark was filmed an hour away from Berlin - in NE. germany

The town portrayed in the show also doesn’t exist, there is no big influence of Northern or Bavarian Germany - this was done on purpose


MiamiFan-305 t1_jc7a0e4 wrote

Was gonna say reminded me of the show Dark....except it wasn't raining 😂


PalmettoState69 t1_jc5ade5 wrote

Grew up in woods like these 🥰 🇩🇪 used to walk through and pick wild blueberries 🫐 and other berries ❤️ Ramstein Landstuhl Aschaffenburg


rifelife t1_jc55vgv wrote

Yo op! I need to show you this painting I have that I found in the alley behind my house. You are going to love it! Tree eyesssss


Rice-Noise t1_jc5w60t wrote

I need to visit a place like this just walk and enjoy the forest.


JustChiLingggg t1_jc68thi wrote

This forest looks surreal...looks straight out of a movie


hmischuk t1_jc69okd wrote

A picture like that makes GRRM's weirwoods so much more understandable.


UpsetCake8010 t1_jc7f3yy wrote

I've never been to a forest like this, where the moss is all over the ground. Really awesome


BentPin t1_jc5qlln wrote

Varus Give me back my Legions!


derekb519 t1_jc6lufh wrote


Where's Scorpion? "Get over here!"


Theijuiel t1_jc7h8iv wrote

Time for me to head out there and slot in reflective cat eyes in all those knots.


habilishn t1_jc7hoku wrote

Forrrrstwald. The picture is great, but i am sorry my verdict about many many german forests... it is plantation in all directions and not very alive.. the wild and mystical spots are very rare.


e-buddy t1_jc8knt1 wrote

Wow. Nice. Thank you!


a01015488 t1_jc8n9q8 wrote

Nice "you are not welcome, Roman" vibe right there


toastibot t1_jc5vpko wrote

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Trajankhan t1_jc6969f wrote

no i think those are trees


oalbrecht t1_jc6nmg2 wrote

The Capitol is keeping an eye on you Katniss.


Ralfpker t1_jc7dvtt wrote

Looks like somewhere where 'The Ritual' was filmed - though I think it took place in Sweden.


theaback t1_jc7in1e wrote

is this a natural forest, or is this a plantation?


Huntress_Nyx t1_jc9e8k8 wrote

I have the urge to spread mushroom seeds in a circle in these woods lol


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tectoniclakes t1_jc6ciem wrote

Is this what they mean when they say “The deep, dark forests of Europe”


historian87 t1_jc6djfq wrote

Out of curiosity is this the ancient Black Forest?


Galerina_vittiformis t1_jc8atqx wrote

This might be in the Black Forest, but neither this forest nor the Black Forest are ancient. Almost all the forests in Germany were cut down during the medieval ages up to the early 20th century. This is a tree plantation.