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kangmingjie t1_jcp6018 wrote

This is one of the happy places I go to in my head. I miss Australia.


[deleted] t1_jcqt785 wrote



duccy_duc t1_jcr1i9u wrote

Not that many, this meme needs to die


spacedude2000 t1_jcsvs5f wrote

Truly an honest question here: there aren't bugs in the cities right? I've always wanted to visit Australia but I'm letting my irrational fears force my hand. Reddit has totally warped my brain to believe there's gonna be a huntsman under every roll of toilet paper.


duccy_duc t1_jct0njd wrote

I mean, you realise bugs exist everywhere though right? If you just don't like the big ones then stay out of the top end of the country and you'll be fine. You're more likely to have a bird try to steal your lunch than encounter something scary.

I think a lot of Australians are just unbothered about it as well, we kinda just exist together. When I was a kid my dad would often play with huntsmans, let them crawl over his face. They're pretty chill.


spacedude2000 t1_jczh229 wrote

I live in the Pacific northwest in the USA - we pretty much only have mosquitos and like a few different spiders. Nothing quite like rural australia though. There's pretty much zero bug exposure around here. You can see where my fears arise. Good to know though, thank you.


bananakad t1_jct5idq wrote

It’s overblown and annoying, to be honest.

If you are in a city, such as Sydney, I don’t think it’s very likely that you would come across a snake or spider.

I live an hour drive away from Sydney in the suburbs and I honestly can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a snake that wasn’t in a zoo.


zsaleeba t1_jcr0p7t wrote

It's a very tame area. There might be some redback spiders under logs and an occasional snake but it's basically as safe as just about anywhere for a casual walk. It's a very lovely and serene place really.


[deleted] t1_jcr8qj2 wrote



UnironicEmpath t1_jcrrh58 wrote

Where else do you get leeches? Not making fun of you, I've genuinely only thought about leeches when walking through areas that look like this. Where else am I supposed to be expecting leeches?


CookieCutter4322 t1_jcrcy7f wrote

I really fucking hate this automatic response from boring unoriginal Redditors that comes up every time Australia is mentioned. Deaths from wildlife are incredibly rare here.


whenn t1_jcrw4mz wrote

Man the entire site is full of automatic responses like this, what gets me is how any cunt can up vote comments like that after seeing it for the thousandth time.


winter-soulstice t1_jcsa7e9 wrote

It makes me eye-roll as a foreigner who visits Australia every couple years, in all my time there doing mainly things tourists would do, plus a few camping trips, I've never had any scary wild animal encounters**. People saying they'd never visit Australia because there are "so many deadly animals" is as dumb as people saying they'd never visit Canada because we have bears and cougars.

**I did open a toilet lid once to find a huntsman clinging to the bowl. Politely reclosed the lid and asked australian SO to deal with it, lol.


Kody_Z t1_jcrzofq wrote

Sure, but it's not just about deaths, is it?


polyhedric t1_jcqxdmj wrote

Definitely one of the more benign areas. Occasional snake - but they keep to themselves.


whoinsolitude t1_jcske7j wrote

I live about 2 mins from here. I’ve never seen a snake nearby and the only red back spiders live happily in my garage.


the_snook t1_jcst4hs wrote

It's not the deadly creatures, it's the annoying creatures. So many mosquitoes, ticks, and leeches in this picture.


JRaoul t1_jcssh5i wrote

A few spiders, a few snakes

You'd be lucky to ever see a snake and the spiders won't bother you

Never hear of anyone getting hurt by our 'critters' lol


kangmingjie t1_jcquc1u wrote

It's best to not worry about the thousands of critters waiting to murder you.


orlock t1_jcru9u7 wrote

We call them bogans but they can usually be pacified with a slab and some durries.


MyDickIsAdequate t1_jcu27g5 wrote

There's thousands of critters in Europe and the states waiting to kill you too. Yet they don't happen.