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CookieCutter4322 t1_jcrcy7f wrote

I really fucking hate this automatic response from boring unoriginal Redditors that comes up every time Australia is mentioned. Deaths from wildlife are incredibly rare here.


whenn t1_jcrw4mz wrote

Man the entire site is full of automatic responses like this, what gets me is how any cunt can up vote comments like that after seeing it for the thousandth time.


winter-soulstice t1_jcsa7e9 wrote

It makes me eye-roll as a foreigner who visits Australia every couple years, in all my time there doing mainly things tourists would do, plus a few camping trips, I've never had any scary wild animal encounters**. People saying they'd never visit Australia because there are "so many deadly animals" is as dumb as people saying they'd never visit Canada because we have bears and cougars.

**I did open a toilet lid once to find a huntsman clinging to the bowl. Politely reclosed the lid and asked australian SO to deal with it, lol.


Kody_Z t1_jcrzofq wrote

Sure, but it's not just about deaths, is it?
