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Djinn42 t1_jcoucpf wrote

It looks so prehistoric.


Are_you_blind_sir t1_jcoxv02 wrote

Yeah i would recognise these tree ferns anywhere


Putnum t1_jcrtfpm wrote

I can see the 1000 steps from my kitchen


leidend22 t1_jcsr9i4 wrote

Oh yeah well I have unlimited amounts of dog piss and shit 1000 steps from my place in inner Melbourne.


gormster t1_jct0kqa wrote

How is Collingwood?


leidend22 t1_jct5r3e wrote

Good guess, but South Yarra. They've been planning to plant trees on my street for five years now. Until then every corner is soaked in pee.


gormster t1_jcvmwiy wrote

Oh you know what I missed the word “dog” in your original comment


leidend22 t1_jcvskrn wrote

I'm near Chapel so there's plenty of human bodily fluids as well


Supersnazz t1_jcrbk9w wrote

Fun fact, this whole area was pretty much razed for logging in the 1880s-1930s.


SeaOfSourMilk t1_jcrdd6s wrote

Pretty much all of Eastern Gippsland, Victoria used to look like this up until that point. They cleared it all out for livestock mostly. If you look at a map of Victoria you can actually see that the remnant pockets of forest encircles Melbourne completely. This Is because Melbourne is sitting on the floodplain of these prehistoric forests.

Meanwhile Parks Victoria is actually a government monopolized logging company under the guise of park services..


[deleted] t1_jcq8jv7 wrote



StormThestral t1_jcrpeew wrote

The only thing that could possibly kill you here is yourself, if you slip on a wet rock


dailyfetchquest t1_jcrr5yw wrote

Plus it's so close to civilization that a snake or spider bite would be trivial to treat.

There's a good chance that if you turned and faced the opposite way, this would back onto a major road or town centre.


CinephileNC25 t1_jcrpsec wrote

Nope. Australia.


StormThestral t1_jcrpyzm wrote

...Have you ever been to Australia?


CinephileNC25 t1_jcrrke3 wrote

Yes… actually a month abroad. But it doesn’t matter because you clearly aren’t familiar with the joke that everything in Australia wants to kill you.


mad_man72 t1_jcriogs wrote

I was just coming to say


Addamant1 t1_jcrq24u wrote

Nothing dangerous here except clumsiness, I live 30 minutes from here


RocketGigantic t1_jcp007f wrote

Where are the dinosaurs?

Are the bugs bad?

Thanks for sharing.


Psyker_girl t1_jcpm1jt wrote

I grew up around here, and as a little kid I always felt like a dilophosaurus would pop out from behind a tree at any moment.


Malkintent t1_jcqw53s wrote

Grew up in ferntree gully. Used to go bushwalking in the hills. Miss it.


polyhedric t1_jcqx2w8 wrote

Way up Upwey way?


Malkintent t1_jcqynum wrote

Used to go to the sky high lookout back in the 90s. Beautiful view of Melbourne on a summer night. Upwey, sassafrass and every other place.


Psyker_girl t1_jcqxak8 wrote

Family live up in Emerald. I live overseas now, and I really do miss it.


theloneisobar t1_jct64v3 wrote

I grew up in Tecoma and used to play in the forest building cubbies. Got thirsty, drank from the stream. They were the days.


sgtsaggy t1_jcpfkh7 wrote

This looks like a video game rendering.


Righteous_Koala t1_jcq2vxp wrote

Thought it was Monster Hunter World’s Ancient Forest before I checked the title.

A little off to the right you can go up to the nest area or loop around further upwards 🤓


sgtsaggy t1_jcqxzsy wrote

Hahaha, I was thinking it looked a lot like Green Hell. I'm sure we could add dozens of other games to the list and be just as accurate.


Nomicakes t1_jcqurdl wrote

It's from every photographer doing that long-exposure shit that smudges everything, especially the water.


BadmanBarista t1_jcrbe0i wrote

Might not have a choice tbf. Doesn't look like there's a lot of light and it's not that long of an exposure. The slower water on the right is mostly unaffected.


Sauxxxe t1_jcs0cwn wrote

Definitely thought modded elderscrolls lol


OnlyMath t1_jcr7bhw wrote

Yeh I thought it was a WoW screen shot lmao


kangmingjie t1_jcp6018 wrote

This is one of the happy places I go to in my head. I miss Australia.


[deleted] t1_jcqt785 wrote



duccy_duc t1_jcr1i9u wrote

Not that many, this meme needs to die


spacedude2000 t1_jcsvs5f wrote

Truly an honest question here: there aren't bugs in the cities right? I've always wanted to visit Australia but I'm letting my irrational fears force my hand. Reddit has totally warped my brain to believe there's gonna be a huntsman under every roll of toilet paper.


duccy_duc t1_jct0njd wrote

I mean, you realise bugs exist everywhere though right? If you just don't like the big ones then stay out of the top end of the country and you'll be fine. You're more likely to have a bird try to steal your lunch than encounter something scary.

I think a lot of Australians are just unbothered about it as well, we kinda just exist together. When I was a kid my dad would often play with huntsmans, let them crawl over his face. They're pretty chill.


spacedude2000 t1_jczh229 wrote

I live in the Pacific northwest in the USA - we pretty much only have mosquitos and like a few different spiders. Nothing quite like rural australia though. There's pretty much zero bug exposure around here. You can see where my fears arise. Good to know though, thank you.


bananakad t1_jct5idq wrote

It’s overblown and annoying, to be honest.

If you are in a city, such as Sydney, I don’t think it’s very likely that you would come across a snake or spider.

I live an hour drive away from Sydney in the suburbs and I honestly can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a snake that wasn’t in a zoo.


zsaleeba t1_jcr0p7t wrote

It's a very tame area. There might be some redback spiders under logs and an occasional snake but it's basically as safe as just about anywhere for a casual walk. It's a very lovely and serene place really.


[deleted] t1_jcr8qj2 wrote



UnironicEmpath t1_jcrrh58 wrote

Where else do you get leeches? Not making fun of you, I've genuinely only thought about leeches when walking through areas that look like this. Where else am I supposed to be expecting leeches?


CookieCutter4322 t1_jcrcy7f wrote

I really fucking hate this automatic response from boring unoriginal Redditors that comes up every time Australia is mentioned. Deaths from wildlife are incredibly rare here.


whenn t1_jcrw4mz wrote

Man the entire site is full of automatic responses like this, what gets me is how any cunt can up vote comments like that after seeing it for the thousandth time.


winter-soulstice t1_jcsa7e9 wrote

It makes me eye-roll as a foreigner who visits Australia every couple years, in all my time there doing mainly things tourists would do, plus a few camping trips, I've never had any scary wild animal encounters**. People saying they'd never visit Australia because there are "so many deadly animals" is as dumb as people saying they'd never visit Canada because we have bears and cougars.

**I did open a toilet lid once to find a huntsman clinging to the bowl. Politely reclosed the lid and asked australian SO to deal with it, lol.


Kody_Z t1_jcrzofq wrote

Sure, but it's not just about deaths, is it?


polyhedric t1_jcqxdmj wrote

Definitely one of the more benign areas. Occasional snake - but they keep to themselves.


whoinsolitude t1_jcske7j wrote

I live about 2 mins from here. I’ve never seen a snake nearby and the only red back spiders live happily in my garage.


the_snook t1_jcst4hs wrote

It's not the deadly creatures, it's the annoying creatures. So many mosquitoes, ticks, and leeches in this picture.


JRaoul t1_jcssh5i wrote

A few spiders, a few snakes

You'd be lucky to ever see a snake and the spiders won't bother you

Never hear of anyone getting hurt by our 'critters' lol


kangmingjie t1_jcquc1u wrote

It's best to not worry about the thousands of critters waiting to murder you.


orlock t1_jcru9u7 wrote

We call them bogans but they can usually be pacified with a slab and some durries.


MyDickIsAdequate t1_jcu27g5 wrote

There's thousands of critters in Europe and the states waiting to kill you too. Yet they don't happen.


Brendinooo t1_jcq5mgp wrote

Fern trees! One of the more striking things I learned about in my limited time in Australian nature.

Sherbrooke Forest is very beautiful.


StormThestral t1_jcrpnja wrote

We call em tree ferns, not fern trees :) you're right though, they are absolutely stunning


Brendinooo t1_jcrpxfv wrote

Wait then what’s up with fern tree gully?!?


StormThestral t1_jcrq5xz wrote

....good question. I used to live in Ferntree Gully and I never thought about it. I guess maybe it's referring to ferns and trees, not fern trees?


ripitup27 t1_jcsdbql wrote

So I started looking into this based on this thread, and it turns out the suburb was named after the painting by German artist Eugene von Guerard in the same area.

I can only assume it was a minor translation error that stuck.


Pattyyy t1_jcqw97p wrote

Mount Dandenong is such a great location. Filled with heaps of small scenic drives, many parks and flower gardens. It's nicely shaded and has that cool rainforest feel. Absolutely stunning area and I'm glad I live pretty close to it. Hoping that one day I can move even closer towards that area.


Putnum t1_jcrtl1e wrote

East Warby still has some bargains


Fuster2 t1_jct5uye wrote

Testify! Friends bought a great place on a bend of the Yarra a few years back. Wonderful spot east Warburton (except on days of high fire danger 😱)


P_Kordus t1_jcp6lx4 wrote

If you look close enough you can see dinosaurs.


WestPotential3675 t1_jcr45hl wrote

I went on a picnic here last weekend, the serenity is unmatched anywhere else around Melbourne


[deleted] t1_jcpnikq wrote



[deleted] t1_jcq4c2q wrote



Opti724 t1_jcq7ici wrote

Yeah, driving up to Falls Creek when it’s snowing hard is so beautiful, we have some excellent snowy areas in Australia.


CookieCutter4322 t1_jcrddq7 wrote

Yeah this last year has been fucking great for snow (I was in a blizzard in high country Vic in fucking November), but in a bad year, it’s REALLY bad, and the resorts would not be able to survive those years without snow-making.


julianpratley t1_jcqshor wrote

Australia is the sixth largest country on Earth. It still blows my mind that people are surprised we have more than one type of environment.


bluestonelaneway t1_jcrhov3 wrote

And it’s roughly the same size of the continental US. Not all of the US is a desert like Utah, why would it be the same here?


Ariadnepyanfar t1_jcr4imm wrote

We have both types, tropical and temperate. This one is temperate of course.


_bko t1_jcrtki9 wrote

Such a stark contrast to the actual suburb of Dandenong gif


steven_sandner OP t1_jcsgw6x wrote

We had an exchange teacher working at our school .. . they went to Dandenong and were very very confused as to why we would enthusiastically recommend it


LeopoldFriedrich t1_jcpsk3i wrote

Great, just wait 4 years and Friendlyjordies will make a video of that completely deforested.

/s hopefuly


exciting_chains t1_jcqsx0y wrote

Nah this is particular spot doesn't get logged anymore. The mountain experienced a lot of land clearing in the 20s when they created European gardens and housing on the mountain. But this particular spot is very protected

That being said, there is a major problem with feral deer destroying this habitat on the mountain and there was a huge storm which caused massive damage across the mountain recently too


juggleknob t1_jcr8gw7 wrote

Nah, this is in a different state with a far less corrupt state government.


jimmux t1_jcri7jo wrote

Less corrupt, but for some reason loggers still get away with a lot and are apparently immune from accountability.


Supersnazz t1_jcrbrsv wrote

It also was. The area was cleared in the early 1900s


Fanachy t1_jcr84lr wrote

The Dandenongs really are beautiful, aren’t they?


Theresa_x t1_jcq7arq wrote

Looks like Pandora from Avatar, but in this case it's real! Very beautiful!


klawzYT t1_jcr5ylv wrote

It’s beautiful


cc_apt107 t1_jcpos85 wrote

Stunning — now I want to visit!


JuddyMali t1_jcqm361 wrote

Great place for a hike. I always keep an ear out for some nirnroot


GarmeerGirl t1_jcroc6s wrote

Is this a real place?


brettski8472 t1_jcsl2cn wrote

Yep, I live about a 20 minute drive away and I’m down there all the time.


StatusKoi t1_jcq2lis wrote

Oh wow. That is absolutely beautiful.


WhiteyFisk53 t1_jcsp1p1 wrote

My happy place. Used to go all the time. Got married nearby (in Kalista). These days not very often (two young kids) but hopefully soon.


iammrnussbaum t1_jct8hdk wrote

The only thing I know about this place is the legend of Sam's moms cataract.


AutoModerator t1_jcoqsgl wrote

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toastibot t1_jcpnuk1 wrote

Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.

> Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.

> Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter.


lockkyy t1_jcq8lge wrote

Beautiful place 😍


Albert757 t1_jcqdqm9 wrote

This looks like that one level in Jak and Daxter where you need to chase metal heads with your skateboard. I think the location was Haven Forest or something like that.


Sheesh284 t1_jcqh2zy wrote

That’s an awesome pic dude


GirlBrunette22 t1_jcqkha8 wrote

damn it looks really nice, it feels like pictures from the movie Avatar


rvralph803 t1_jcrmuem wrote

I'm hunting for a dinosaur in this pic. It looks positively Triassic.


StormThestral t1_jcrpu5n wrote

I'm from there! It really looks like that!


lowridda t1_jcrqwj6 wrote

Omg that’s beautiful! Breathtaking.


Snoogins315 t1_jcrwp38 wrote

I think I see The Predator somewhere in the trees


SorrowT-T t1_jcsb4hd wrote

Straight outta cambrian, crazy motha fucka named Archeocyathans.


DaddyCatALSO t1_jcscvp0 wrote

so primeval and so very Southern; the forests in LOTR always looked off to me


Chigmot t1_jcsguda wrote

Welcome to Jurassic Park.


gypsy_muse t1_jcsico4 wrote

“I want to go to there” - Liz Lemon


Poopi-Doopi t1_jcskmt3 wrote

Looks like New Zealand


SpreadSheetAboutMe t1_jcsm70m wrote

Grew up in the Dandenongs, now living in NZ. Genuinely couldn’t look much more different. Stringybark gums, tree ferns, muted greens and shallow inclines are very different to here. I guess it’s green and not hugely populated, though!


summerhail t1_jcsvsri wrote

NZ has tree ferns. The silver fern is one of the symbols of the country.


SpreadSheetAboutMe t1_jcvc6c8 wrote

We also have water, rocks, and some introduced gum trees. They grow differently, and the species are different. The landscape looks pretty different between the two countries. Australia is more of a muted blue/grey palette, and NZ is much brighter green. Everything is dry in Australia, but you often can’t get a fire started in NZ because of all the moisture in the air, even on a clear night in the middle of summer.


ImperialxWarlord t1_jcsq6hf wrote

Looks like something from a bygone era. Was walking with dinosaurs filmed here? I feel like the Antarctic episode was.


HAXAD2005 t1_jcsqs8u wrote

This looks a lot like Endor with the blue atmosphere, the fern, the mist.


amazzarof t1_jcssgf4 wrote

Wow. Something out of a movie!


WellWelded t1_jcsussw wrote

Looks like a land before our time


Rumpleshite t1_jct1cuz wrote

This isn’t some remote place either, it is less than an hours drive from the CBD of Melbourne, Australia


SKILL_POLICE t1_jct76hh wrote

It looks like a render to me, at first i thought new Crysis dropped


THEQ100 t1_jctl948 wrote

Really cool pic


Niccy26 t1_jcv3r97 wrote

It looks fantastic but I would expect some giant creature to chase and eat me


[deleted] t1_jcqbn0a wrote

Welcome,to Jurassic Park!


I_Must_Bust t1_jcqkok6 wrote

Why does this look uncanny like really good CGI


BigVGK93 t1_jcqpv6t wrote

Does anyone else see a face🗿


Handwired t1_jcqr0xn wrote

Un’Goro in classic plus looks amazing.


CreepySpiders t1_jcr2pch wrote

I thought it's Green Hell screenshot


Soap1042 t1_jcs2p9u wrote

Nah that looks like smth str8 outta video game


Tidesticky t1_jcro1ob wrote

Prehistoric, gorgeous, just "far out man" vibes. I'd love to be there but at the same time I fear it due to Australia's reputation for killer creatures. This looks like a good place to find them in abundance.


PotentialCamp5483 t1_jcs2mga wrote

Absolutely beautiful!!!!

…until you turn around and a spider eats you whole 🤣


ITDrumm3r t1_jcpmdvb wrote

It’s beautiful! And somewhere hidden in the picture is something that can kill you in a matter of minutes. 😂


itoadaso1 t1_jcq3koj wrote

This map shows climate distribution in Australia. This was taken in cool temperate zone east of Melbourne. Generally the temperate zones aren't too bad for shit trying to kill you 😂


jollosreborn t1_jcqt58a wrote

You are mistaking it for Dandenong.


zsaleeba t1_jcr0zo9 wrote

Yeah not too many eshays lurking behind tree ferns here. Thank god.