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kernal1337 t1_it81bc0 wrote

Is that the one where after a food van it tells you to STOP because there is a danger of death? Past the castle? And multiple times you encounter these warnings, plus a few Samaritan signposts? I found those quite sad because I took it to mean many people actually attempt suicide there.

Anyway if it is I did that walk with my husband and 6 and 3 year old, we had an amazing time, moderate difficulty for us with the kids. We just took it easy.

When we got to the end of the trail (for us and most others but one jogger chose to go even further) there were a couple who laid down picnic blankets and offered us some fruit. So friendly. It was such a sight getting there just before sunset.

Sorry for the long response... I'll never forget the Cliffs of Moher, such fond memories for the short time we were in Ireland.


pbates89 t1_it82wkq wrote

That does sound lovely. The one I’m referring to starts in Doolin and then follows the edge of the farmland to the Cliffs of Moher experience area. They bus you back to Doolin.