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jch1013 t1_itf31lz wrote

This picture looked super stretched out, been here and the mountain is nowhere near this steep. Nice shot of the trail though


Paulsar t1_itfntcf wrote

You are very right. Luckily there are enough pictures from substantially the same perspective to easily confirm the image is manipulated.


porcupineapplepieces t1_itfx00x wrote

Interesting. I can see the difference you pointed out but I’m finding it hard so find how it was manipulated. Maybe it was just focal length? (Or whatever it is that makes distant objects appear bigger)


LordOfTheTorts t1_itgf8ai wrote

> I’m finding it hard so find how it was manipulated

Simply stretching the photo's upper third in the vertical direction in Photoshop or similar?

> Maybe it was just focal length? (Or whatever it is that makes distant objects appear bigger)

No, because then all dimensions would be equally scaled, i.e. the mountain wouldn't be just taller, but also wider, which it clearly isn't when compared to that other photo.

Edit: here's a quick "unstretched" version I made. Compare that to OP's photo and /u/Paulsar's image.


Paulsar t1_itgpv5n wrote

Completely agree. As a another simple check as well, if you Google "Mt Rainier Grand Park" you can see thousands of images with very similar looking size/aspect ratio and then compare to the OP and easily conclude it is stretched. If you have a hard time comparing visually, look directly at the angles of the side of the mountain profile.


smatchimo t1_itj5ye1 wrote

call me crazy... but googling every picture of every peak you ever see to confirm it's not been edited is fucking crazy person talk.


Paulsar t1_itj7qtd wrote

Who said you had to do that? I'm just saying for this example when it was called out from sometime familiar with the mountain.


shredika t1_itgkdfq wrote

I was goin to say… why does this look like Denali?


dhoepp t1_itgbdqu wrote

I don’t think it’s manipulated. I think it’s just perspective or lens distortion.


Paulsar t1_itgpaar wrote

I do a lot of photography. There is nothing you can do with your camera or lenses that would cause this. You realize the perspective and focal lengths are going to be almost identical in my example right?


dhoepp t1_itiv992 wrote

You could be right. Not sure exactly how someone would achieve this.