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zarvan13 t1_ix4e8u8 wrote

I guess I should go to Costa Rica morešŸ¤£šŸ˜


kvn1902 OP t1_ix4jq7t wrote

It's always a good idea to come to CR


AcceptableUmpire2515 t1_ix5kn50 wrote

Probably the best vacation Iā€™ve ever taken. Did you climb the stairs down? Chocolate tours and springs for days!


kvn1902 OP t1_ix6f50l wrote

There are no stairs there. Maybe you're confusing it with Rio Celeste waterfall? That one does have stairs, which I have climbed indeed haha


AcceptableUmpire2515 t1_ix6fck9 wrote

Nope sorry. I was in La Fortuna waterfall in Alajuela. You can swim at the base and walk down the stream. the hike to La Fortuna Waterfall is down 500 steps.

Check it out next time!


OSUCOWBOY1129 t1_ix6p5pw wrote

The ice cold Imperial when you get back to the top was the best. Absolutely exhausting day that day. We did a hike, hanging bridges, and the waterfall all in a day. Seriously one of the best days of my life.


cisco1972 t1_ix6ueyl wrote

We loved the waterfall in La Fortuna. Really enjoyed cliff repelling also as well as the white water rapids by raft. Such an amazing country ā¤ļø. Was lucky to find Imperial at a store in Houston near us just recently. Good stuff!


AcceptableUmpire2515 t1_ix7ypwo wrote

I LOVE imperials. Did you guys hike the volcano trails?


OSUCOWBOY1129 t1_ix8kw4x wrote

Yes we did. It was great. Our guide was very solid and pointed out all the wildlife that we would've otherwise missed if we had gone alone. We loved the history lessons that came on the hike too. Such a beautiful country all the way around.


AcceptableUmpire2515 t1_ix98pj3 wrote

Thatā€™s awesome Iā€™m so glad you had a beautiful time. CR is heaven on earth!


Flacier t1_ix746nx wrote

Would you mind sharing the name of the establishment you dinned at OP?

I am unsure if the rules on earth porn prohibit naming for profit business or anything. But imo the view would be worth the meal alone even if it was a bit underwhelming.


kvn1902 OP t1_ix7529p wrote

I left a comment around an hour ago with some info about the place. It would be nice if you could upvote it so more people can see it


Rampill t1_ix5jym7 wrote

You need an insta I can follow.


kvn1902 OP t1_ix6fbye wrote

My Insta is @kevocambro. I don't post that often though


gringo-tico t1_ix52lx2 wrote

You say that because you didn't see the T-rex hiding behind those trees


-Acta-Non-Verba- t1_iy9db94 wrote

It's the raptors you really have to worry about. The T-rex is loud as heck.


tjfoz t1_ix53t98 wrote

Been living here for 5 years. Such a peaceful country


Chirriche t1_ix6q0xh wrote

I guess I'll just keep living here in Costa Rica!!šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž

Don't know the restaurant tho!!


SidaneCR t1_ix8a12k wrote

Costa Rican here!!! Everyone is welcome and we always wish for everyone to enjoy our country šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³


RL_Mutt t1_ix4gswo wrote

I went to Costa Rica for my honeymoon recently and my god what a gorgeous country. I love it. Iā€™ve never felt so relaxed and at home on this planet while being so far from everything else.


BrerChicken t1_ix5zddc wrote

"Iā€™ve never felt so relaxed and at home on this planet while being so far from everything else.ā€

That is such an excellent description! I just felt so relaxed in Costa Rica, and it definitely wasn't the reefer because that was pretty trash!


knifetrader t1_ix5s0sn wrote

John Williams score swelling in the background

"Welcome to Jurassic Park."


Rediro_ t1_ix7x6w5 wrote

Fun fact:

I was there two weeks ago and these people are obsessed with dinosaurs, they are everywhere. I was told that one of the waterfalls we visited was actually used in the original Jurassic Park movie so that might be why


kvn1902 OP t1_ix70ap6 wrote

I already answered some questions, but I'll leave this info here for everybody, since I wasn't very specific with the title:

You can find the place on Google Maps as "Soda y mirador Cinchona", and it's located in Cinchona, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica. The food was good, and it was fairly priced considering the heavenly view.

You can also see lots of birds there, including hummingbirds and toucans.

Note: Alajuela is a whole province, but this is also the name of the province's capital and it caused some confusion, so I thought I would clarify that too.


C-A-S-O t1_ix8djy8 wrote

If I'm not mistaken by the waterfall and foliage this is catarata la paz. (Just giving more info not contradicting you)


[deleted] t1_ixb1miu wrote

Same river (coincidentally named La Paz), but different waterfall, this one is San Fernando waterfall, it is downstream from La Paz waterfall. The giveaway is the lack of the road and bridge.


anarchonobody t1_ix4irap wrote

Isn't Alajuela right by the airport, and fairly urban?


kvn1902 OP t1_ix4k9tm wrote

It's specifically in Cinchona, Alajuela province. Alajuela city is the capital of the province, and that's where the airport is, correct

I guess I should be more specific with the title lol


okay_ya_dingus t1_ix4q4ls wrote

Could you be even more specific and name the restaurant?


kvn1902 OP t1_ix4qoo5 wrote

You can find it on Google Maps as "Soda y mirador Cinchona"


triptrouble t1_ix51a3v wrote

Nice thanks maybe I will try to find this when I go January ā€˜24


506420 t1_ix8r25o wrote

Good time to come, right on the dry season. The rainy season has been brutal this year, it even started a month earlier than usual.


triptrouble t1_ix8s38y wrote

Yeah we were there in January right before Covid and it was awesome!


Nero2377 t1_ix787td wrote

That's in Cinchona? I remember a few years ago that town was completely destroyed under a landslide.


putah999 t1_ix4k3h9 wrote

Yes, the airport is in Alajuela, however it is one of the largest territories in costa rica. I believe this is at la Paz Waterfall or very near.


Terny t1_ixdnljt wrote

Alajuela the city is very urban. Alajuela the province is fairly large.


st0pmakings3ns3 t1_ix4mfpq wrote



Significant_Flan9782 t1_ix62arw wrote

Its funny i live in Costa Rica and for me is really common this type of scenery.


nomoregoodusernamez t1_ix76vad wrote

Agree! My girlfriend and myself vacationed in Costa Rica last year and were both pretty underwhelmed. The food was meh, the scenery was like every other tropical destination, overall the settlements are quite dirty, and ā€œpoorā€ feeling. & the drivers are idiots. Pura Vida!!


HammerfestNORD t1_ix4kcd0 wrote

I def want to vaca in Costa Rica. I should put it on my short list.


BrerChicken t1_ix61nsi wrote

FYI "vaca" means cow in Costa Rica and many, many, many other places. I think you're going for "vacay."


RubesSnark t1_ix62izw wrote

Ironically the same way vacation is shortened to vacay, in Spanish vacaciones is shortened to vaca sometimes. Although it also means cow, context is used to differentiate the meanings.


BrerChicken t1_ix6856h wrote

Yes but in that case vaca and vacaciĆ³n both have the identical starting sound. I'm just saying, in English it's usually spelled "vacay," that's all.


reggae-mems t1_ix9ecp7 wrote

No no you say "vacas" in plural. Nobody says vaca for vaccay in spanish. It has to be vacas. As in "necesito unas buenas vacas"


flyonlewall t1_ix63mdu wrote

Go, you absolutely will not regret it. It's affordable, safe (especially for central america), and absolutely stunning. You will not regret going, and you'll make tons of rad tico friends and just.. just go.


cloppyfawk t1_ix6h715 wrote

Affordable? Jeeeee I am in Costa Rica right now and have been travelling for the past year+ already, but Costa Rica is the most expensive country I have been so far. It's significantly more expensive than back home (Western Europe) aswell.

I paid 10$ for a regular, simple loaf of bread and 6 eggs in the grocery store today. Beat that.


danielleiellle t1_ix6st4d wrote

Groceries are somewhat exceptional because of protectionist import taxes on food. But that is still pretty high for the country based on market data- were they special or did you buy at a gourmet market?

As a tourist, CR is cheap. You can get a seaside resort hotel room with a private balcony and breakfast included for $100 USD and get laundry done for about $2/piece. Nothing I could afford perpetually but much cheaper than most luxury tropical destinations.


cloppyfawk t1_ix6txo7 wrote

Well your experience is very very different than mine then. But I am also not a luxury traveller. Costa Rica has been significantly more than twice as expensive as the 20+ other countries I have visited in the past year.


Upvote_me_arsehole t1_ix7bvz3 wrote

What are your top three or five destinations that youā€™ve travelled to?


cloppyfawk t1_ix7uxwq wrote

Well I did all of South America most recently. Then mostly Europe before that.


danielleiellle t1_ixa3k2s wrote

The thread was about vacation. I was comparing to other similar vacation spots. You are talking about living/perpetual travel and have different expenses and daily budget than someone on vacation.


flyonlewall t1_ix7l67i wrote

I was staying at a Hostel for $10/night US inc breakfast in Alajuela. Food is a bit more expensive, like you said, if you buy import items specifically. Snickers were like $4 (in 2015), and a 5th of Jack Daniel's was nearly $80.

But (at the time), eating like a local was very cheap. Rice and beans aren't expensive. I was buying whole roasting chickens for $3 US. Bread was pricey then, too. Nuts were also shockingly cheap, as were exotic fruits. Perhaps not at the mercado in town, but roadside? Local? The Costa Ricans aren't idiots and you'll pay a tourist tax there if you stay in tourist spots.

I stayed in Costa Rics for 3 months, my entire length allowable, and I spent $2000 US including airfare, passport fees, and I lived luxurious like smoking weed (VERY EXPENSIVE). I stayed between hostels, and worked a bit on a farm. I guess depends how you do things.. but CR can be done cheap. There's a reason it's the new Vietnam.


SteamZerjack t1_ix77uw9 wrote

Where on earth are you getting that for 10 usd? Thatā€™s like 5 bucks just about everywhere. And while getting some very good bread at that. Unless youā€™re getting your groceries dead in the middle of a tourist zone or something.

CR is more expensive than other Latin American countries but not by that much.


cloppyfawk t1_ix7v0wd wrote

It was one of the biggest grocery stores right outside of Puerto Viejo.


-Acta-Non-Verba- t1_iy9e4nx wrote

You are paying gringo prices, my friend. Go where the locals go.


cloppyfawk t1_iy9ecpk wrote

Yes, the largest national grocery stores in town that are filled with people definitely have gringo prices.


HammerfestNORD t1_ix64qr8 wrote

I'll look into for Winter '24. I'm going to Dublin in March. So, would have to put it into another years vacation fund.


berniexanderz t1_ix6jfws wrote

go to Nicaragua instead


HammerfestNORD t1_ix6k9tr wrote


Your time to shine and lay out specifics. As an American there is zero other people I've ever heard mention Nicaragua as a vacation spot.

You've got all night to write up a response. I'm going to bed.


i-speak-jive t1_ix6lg0p wrote

Nicaragua is nearby with similar landscape, flora, and fauna, but much cheaper is the draw. Not nearly as developed for tourists though as Costa Rica (transportation, guides, national parks, etc.). Maybe preferred if you are a low budget traveler that prefers off the beaten path.


-Acta-Non-Verba- t1_iy9ekw8 wrote

Nowhere near as stable, much hotter, and their medicine is nowhere near comparable to CR. And don't drink the water.

CR's water is potable nationwide.


Sedixodap t1_ix8vtvy wrote

Nicaragua is what Costa Rica was like before it got overly Americanized. Outside of honeymooners and the fancy resort crowd the people I know who visited both generally prefer Nicaragua.


Sedixodap t1_ix8wgwz wrote

Which isn't to speak poorly of Costa Rica, sometimes more similar to home is good for a vacation, especially if you're short on time and looking for something easy. If I was taking my mom on a trip it would totally be my choice. But solo or with a friend? Nica wins.


reggae-mems t1_ix9epb7 wrote


You mean "developed"? Lol I cant believe how some americans think urban development is "american" .-.


cherryhilljawnz t1_ix6568d wrote

Is this where Toby went zip lining?


kvn1902 OP t1_ix6yzvi wrote

I would guess Toby went zip lining in Monteverde


diMario t1_ix49o82 wrote

Nice! Was the food good too?


kvn1902 OP t1_ix4drw2 wrote

Yes! It was a typical Costa Rican breakfast. A little pricey, but that's understandable considering the location


diMario t1_ix4j8f3 wrote

You pay what you get for.

That is what helps the economy keep honest.

Were beans and sausages involved ?


kvn1902 OP t1_ix4tiat wrote

Yes, it was something like this


Kimshew t1_ix4ykat wrote

Gallo Pinto is one of my favorite things. I make it at home now.


diMario t1_ix4u1vo wrote

Oooh! Now I'm hungry.

Was there quaffing of beer performed ? Please say yes.


kvn1902 OP t1_ix6fkib wrote

I don't usually drink alcohol in the morning, but I'm sure they serve beers too šŸ˜‚


diMario t1_ix6mtcb wrote

I'm having one at 8 AM. Cheers!

Edit: I am not in qatar.


JebusLives42 t1_ix6d306 wrote

When I landed in San Jose I hopped in a private cab. I asked the driver what they eat.

"Rice for breakfast, beans for lunch, rice and beans for dinner."

I ordered a steak one day.. and there's lots of real cattle where I live, never any touble to find a good cut of beef. Costra Rica beef was sad, saaaaaad in comparison.

.. and since I live nowhere near the ocean, I decided to enjoy the fresh seafood. šŸ‘


JohnnyBroccoli t1_ix6kfsm wrote

I found their chicken to be quite good too. Some plump ass mother fuckers.


robertgentel t1_ixaf494 wrote

Beef is usually bad here, pork and chicken and fish is pretty good.


-Acta-Non-Verba- t1_iy9dsws wrote

Costa Rican beef is grass fed, so it's leaner, and the good cuts are exported.


pfarnham t1_ix4x69u wrote

WOW!! I've always wanted to go to Costa Rica


nomoregoodusernamez t1_ix773pp wrote

So did I! I went and to be honest is was super disappointing. The prices are 1st world but the people and the places are 3rd world. Scenery not that pretty and the way that people hype it up to be ā€œthe bestā€ just makes it that much worse when you get there


Cloud_of_Twat_Mist t1_ix7d958 wrote

I had a similar experience but I slummed it in hostels and on bikes, so it would probably be better in nicer accomidations on the north shore. on my taxi ride to the initial hotel I saw 2 dead bodies on the street from (I'm assuming) traffic accidents, and I almost got mugged twice. Got arrested once (but that was my bad, smoking weed) but let go when they saw I was broke, and I sweated so hard every day I got heat rash all in my business and had to buy fucking diaper cream, which sucked to explain to the grocery people in broken spanish/English. I was in Puerto Viejo on the Caribbean side. The 4-5 hour bus ride to get there was scary as fuck too.

I was a 21 year old skinny white guy traveling alone too though, which isnt the safest either. I would like to re-try maybe


aresman t1_ix9ljnj wrote

so you went with no money to a place where you don't speak the language, stayed on the cheapest allocations, broke the rules and you still bitch about it?

the fucking nerve


Cloud_of_Twat_Mist t1_ix9pbmu wrote

I think at every step in my post I pointed out my flaws. I realize I did it poorly, but I didn't have no money. I just didn't have a lot of money. I said that I should retry it


reggae-mems t1_ix9f3gt wrote

>2 dead bodies on the street

Bitch, stop lying for karma. I have lived 23 years in CR and NEVER have I seen dead bodies laying around. Only time I saw that, was in 2018 at San Fransisco. A man had OD'd on the street walk. Costa Rica? Never

>Got arrested once

You sound like a veeerryyy nice person


Cloud_of_Twat_Mist t1_ix9pqsj wrote

I dont know what you want me to tell you man, they were like a block apart and it looked like someone was driving and like clipped the sidewalk or something. Maybe they were drunk, who knows. It had like just happened.

And I'm not a bad person I was just young and smoking weed on a beach. I think that's actually pretty morally neutral.


trippleknot t1_ix89aah wrote

I love how in Costa Rica one minute you can be in seemingly endless dense jungle, but then all of the sudden there is a cute little restaurant with awesome food and some crazy view like this lol.

Country is amazing.


Chiperoni t1_ix4wkyw wrote

I can feel the humidity through my phone.


gringo-tico t1_ix52ysv wrote

It can be, but surprisingly not as much as places such as Florida.


RustyPwner t1_ix60ffp wrote

I swear Costa Rica is the most beautiful place.


JPBillingsgate t1_ix6mc31 wrote

Wow, small world. I ate at that restaurant when I was there this past January. We stopped here after spending a few nights in Poas and then doing the La Paz waterfall place just down the road that morning.

I'll say this. I love arroz con pollo and had it at least a half dozen times in different places while in CR and this place had the best of the lot.


kvn1902 OP t1_ix6znan wrote

Fun fact about arroz con pollo: we sometimes call it "arroz con siempre" (rice with always) because it's served in almost every single birthday party, and it kinda became a tradition haha


walter_2000_ t1_ix6r0lh wrote

Damn, I ate there in like 1995 and have an actual paper photo of it. I'm sure it has changed owners and stuff, but super funny. I went to college there and we did weekend excursions. This was one of the stops and the location was certainly memorable. The country didn't have a paved road that went coast to coast, I'm sure they do now.


jerry111165 t1_ix4ota2 wrote

Thats a pretty goddamn good view!


Garrettnolin t1_ix6bqh9 wrote

Is this la fortuna waterfall? I was just there yesterday


reggae-mems t1_ix9fbr4 wrote

No, if Its Cinchona, as Op claims, its La paz waterfall


kvn1902 OP t1_ix6z5zr wrote

I'm not sure about the name, but it's not that one. This one's in Cinchona


reggae-mems t1_ix9fepu wrote

Its la Paz waterfall. I think there is another one nearby thats called La catarata del angel


darkguy2008 t1_ix665zz wrote

Hey, La Paz waterfall! I loved that place :D


Fl1pSide208 t1_ix66t6a wrote

I moved there a couple years ago, well not there but to Costa Rica. It is such a beautiful sight and can be so peaceful


Hunt9876 t1_ix67ohm wrote

Emperors new groove vibes


yaretador t1_ix6fijy wrote

La Fortuna?


kvn1902 OP t1_ix6z7l8 wrote

No, but good guess. The place is called Cinchona


Ramses_13 t1_ix6kgj1 wrote

I miss Costa Rica, been too long. I'm sure a lot has changed since the last time I visited.


andyvs452 t1_ix6y5no wrote

Costa Rica Costa Rica how I love thee


Quiggold t1_ix86wxa wrote

Costarican here. Its wild to me that it pretty much looks like this everywhere here in Costa Rica and its so normal to me that I hardly even notice it anymore... but here it is on reddit, getting thousands of upvotes. Makes me think how much I undervalue this place.


reggae-mems t1_ix9gm2g wrote

Literal. I have been there so many fucking times in my life. Its just mundane for me. I find it amusing how so many people around the world see it as magical

Edit: i live in cr. I am not some priviledged rich tourist who has been to cr so many times. I just live there


Merevum t1_ix5vnd0 wrote

Do you know what plant that is? The one with the red flowers. Also it looks really nice!


KiltedLady t1_ix6cdao wrote

Alpinia purpara perhaps? Hard to tell without a close photo.


reggae-mems t1_ix9geyf wrote

YES! they are called "aves del paraiso" or birds of paradise


RochelleH t1_ix61fsv wrote

Really? I've been to Alajuela... what I saw was just a suburb in San Jose where there are a lot of manufacturing plants. Where is this gem with this view?

Not being rude, I love Costa rjjjica (asĆ­ suena para mĆ­, por lo menos). People are very sweet. But this isn't the part of Alajuela I've seen, and now I must find it. Haha.


darkguy2008 t1_ix664wa wrote

I thought the same too, Alajuela is amazing, I only got there because a local taught me where it was. Turns out it isn't too hard to get to it, you just need a sedan, or any car.


kvn1902 OP t1_ix71s29 wrote

I just left a comment explaining this


PitFiend28 t1_ix67ud0 wrote

Just got home from a week in guanacaste. Amazing time. So gorgeous


ixcion t1_ix76faf wrote

Any must do's, sights, or eats in that region ??


PitFiend28 t1_ix7og7m wrote

We were on a resort and only got out on one excursion which was fun but they all offer the same


reggae-mems t1_ix9h32x wrote

Yes. Beaches, volcanoes, rivers, caves, cattle ranches and horse rides. Surfing, and a very awesome nightlife at tamarindo or santa elena. You can asl ovisit hot springs.

Guanacaste is full of stuff beyond luxury resorts


Chuucho t1_ix6iwln wrote

Did they spare any expense?


kvn1902 OP t1_ix6z8rf wrote

I'm not sure I understand the question, but the food was good if that's what you mean


5256chuck t1_ix6od29 wrote

Man, my CR tour guide never took me there! I want my money back!


kvn1902 OP t1_ix6zprl wrote

I wouldn't blame them, CR has a lot to offer and you can't cover everything in one visit


joshychiledelicioso t1_ix71ahf wrote

Omg! Now I want to see the restaurant, and the menu. What do they serve? Starlight and daydreams?


kvn1902 OP t1_ix71uml wrote

The server typical Costa Rican food. So, to answer your question, yes


pukala t1_ix7vspr wrote

Costa Rica, South AmƩrica

  • Luis Enrique

Xmeromotu t1_ix8spgk wrote

Costa Rica is fantastic. You should just make sure you like rice & beans because thatā€™s part of every meal if youā€™re traveling on a budget. But they are excellent imho, and you can see both the Atlantic and the Pacific on the same day. Pretty damned cool! šŸ˜Ž

Just donā€™t take snacks to the beach with the monkeys. Those little fuckers will steal anything.


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toastibot t1_ix5kolq wrote

Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.

> Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.

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iPirateGwar t1_ix5zvlv wrote

Oh Iā€™ve been there. Is that the place with the friendly parakeet that flies around pinching your food?


kvn1902 OP t1_ix6ywmp wrote

There certainly were many birds, but none of them pinched my food haha


mntleaf t1_ix6yqez wrote

What restaurant?


kvn1902 OP t1_ix71oy3 wrote

I just left a comment with some info


Blainerss t1_ix7301h wrote

Flying out for Costa Rica on Thursday and couldn't be more excited!


Christovski t1_ix7u4e5 wrote

Visited this year from the UK for the first time.

Loved the country and loved the Ticos!

Pura Vida!


Beaneroo t1_ix7w5yp wrote

Currently in Costa.. what is the name of the restaurant?


KimoTheKat t1_ix7yd56 wrote

Did you have comidas?


kvn1902 OP t1_ix8aa8z wrote

I don't even know what that is tbh


KimoTheKat t1_ix8bfnc wrote

Literally it means food, but when I was there it was explained to me that in CR the dish is rice+beans+meat+fruit/salad and was the staple meal for just about everyone (I did eat this nearly every day while I was there)


kvn1902 OP t1_ix8bs3s wrote

Oh! That's actually called "casado". I'm Costa Rican and I haven't heard anyone calling it "comida", because as you say it simply means "food"


Rance_Mulliniks t1_ix7zjhu wrote

Beautiful. It you want to do something unique and completely amazing while you are in CR. Take the ferry to Paquero and you can go night kayaking in bioluminesent water.


merlinsbeers t1_ix81hj1 wrote

Now imagine that view...without the restaurant...


mattoelite t1_ix854yz wrote

ā€œThereā€™s something out there waiting for us, and it ainā€™t no manā€


zeen516 t1_ix855y4 wrote

What restaurant? I'm headed that way for the holidays


perics t1_ix8cij7 wrote

Ugh Costa Rica is so beautiful. I haven't been in so long and this makes me want to go back. The people were incredibly nice too


icecoldcoke319 t1_ix8nuvi wrote

I went to CR in 2018 and everywhere you looked was just green. Went zip lining over a giant gorge at Buena Vista along with horseback riding, steam bath, and natural hot springs. Highly recommend.


Thea_Key t1_ix94pbf wrote

whoa that view is from a restaurant? so pretty!


fibronacci t1_ix99sug wrote

I been here and if I'm not mistaken, this is the waterfall from the OG Jurassic park. Pura Vida muchachos.


elbruus t1_ixa4jp4 wrote

I will be visiting La Paz Waterfalls in two weeks and this place is just 10 minutes away from it! Thanks a lot for this great photo and directions!


brintoul t1_ix6oip0 wrote

I thought Americans had already spoilt it - maybe not.


hali26 t1_ix86nqb wrote

Whatā€™s this place like for insects? I feel like there would be millions of them!


kvn1902 OP t1_ix8aryu wrote

I didn't have any encounters with insects. I've only had problems with insects whenever I'm actually within the jungle, and mainly when it's hot (not the case here)