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KingXiphos2947 t1_ix2whag wrote

If that blast had been more powerful it could've even left mountains. Pulverizing the ground and pulling it into the current pretty much instantaneously, causing mass to build into a peak. We used to worship the sun. Saturn and Jupiter before that. When they were close enough to be visible by eye. Hence why Gods have a thing lightning. When our son was all that was left in the sky, humanity proclaimed it the one true God. This where the worship of the old gods ended. You all can look at the research that's been done and then do your own from there if you like. YouTube The Thunderbolts Project.


UnAccomplished_Fox97 t1_ix4nedz wrote

> You all can look at the research that’s been done and then do your own from there if you like. YouTube The Thunderbolts Project.

YouTube is by no means a credible source. Unless you provide an actual article that has some semblance of coherence and credibility no one is going to take your claims seriously. Until then you’re either a crazy conspiracy theorist, a troll, or both.


Quetzalbroatlus t1_ix45hn9 wrote

You know other religions are still polytheistic, right? And even in Europe polytheism prominently continued until less than 2 thousand years ago. Why don't astronomers from the Roman Empire mention Saturn and Jupiter hanging out in our atmosphere?