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blaaake t1_ixp586f wrote

It’s not? How would you describe it, central Oregon? It is east of the cascades, hence eastern Oregon


masyday t1_ixp7c8s wrote

Deschutes is Central Oregon according to and Deschutes County


blaaake t1_ixp8vm5 wrote

I live 20 minutes from where this photo was taken, we call it eastern Oregon. OP is welcome to do so, also.


ph42236 t1_ixr60qb wrote

I've lived in Central Oregon for 40 years and the only people that call Central Oregon "Eastern Oregon" are people that aren't from here. Valley folk seem to think that they are the center of everything, so naturally they feel like anything east of the Cascades is "Eastern Oregon". It's not.


blaaake t1_ixr9w2t wrote

Well, you’re wrong because I’m not from the valley. I live near this river. Always have.

Imagine gatekeeping a river Lmao


ph42236 t1_ixrd9h7 wrote

How am I limiting access to the Deschutes River? Since you live 20 minutes from this spot, next time you get gas ask the attendant how they like living in Eastern Oregon just to see their response.


blaaake t1_ixrdyb3 wrote

You’re arguing semantics of a river bro, you said only people from the valley call it Eastern, like they aren’t worthy to know how to describe a location. I don’t need to ask a random local to describe where the deschutes is on a map, I have 31 years of experience knowing how it’s described. I fish on this river every summer.