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elcapitan520 t1_iyejqbc wrote

It'd be a long ass day lol.

If he was on foot and doing it in a day, he'd likely have to start at about 2am from the trailhead to hike up with crampons and not posthole the whole way. For someone in very good shape and experienced, they could summit around 8-9am. Getting back to the car, grabbing lunch in glacier and heading over to the ski area to check it out wouldn't take more than a couple hours.

If they were on skis, the timing compresses considerably. You'll go (slightly) faster up and way faster down and want to summit later so your getting snow instead of ice. That might be a 4am trailhead start for a 10-11am summit and back to the car before 1pm easy.

It's doable but it's adventurous and takes some crazy legs


IamChwisss t1_iyelgp4 wrote

Nah, he's full of shit. Snowboarder.. story is he got to sneak in a day on a work trip. He probably meant he hiked to the top of the bowl accessible from the chair as someone else explained to me.