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huskers2468 t1_ixh4t84 wrote

Wouldn't that be the same as the Rockies?

It's the Rocky Mountains, but short hand is Rockies. Just like The Sierra Nevada Mountains, can be shortened to The Sierras.

>Almost as soon as the range’s name was formalized, it began being called by its nickname, the Sierras. Joaquin Miller, the author and frontiersman, wrote “Songs of the Sierras” in 1871. Later, he wrote at least four more celebrated works devoted to California’s most notable mountains, all using the “Sierras” in the title.


Bodie_The_Dog t1_ixifh8e wrote

Nopers. Sierra Nevada is a Spanish phrase, already plural, translating to "snowy mountains." So when you tack an "s" on the end you're saying "mountainss." Even old timers got it wrong.


huskers2468 t1_ixkj8o2 wrote

Interesting, so Sierra itself is plural in it's native language. I wonder if there are more examples of this.