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dougolupski OP t1_izji3jf wrote

Shot on a Mamiya 7 and Kodak Aerochrome film


Chipotle42 t1_izjjfco wrote

>Kodak Aerochrome film

Aha! I was wondering about the colors.

Beautiful photo!


Sbbazzz t1_izk6f6u wrote

Not really when it's super edited.


JohnDoeofDoeland t1_izl4j6z wrote

Never heard of Aerochrome film, eh kid?


Sbbazzz t1_izl59hd wrote

No I haven't


QueenCassie5 t1_izl7x8y wrote

Using film that shows the IR part of the spectrum, you can see healthy vs unhealthy parts of a forest for example.


QueenCassie5 t1_izl7q4v wrote

How did you get this processed? The film lab told me no more IR film because the processing is toxic.


dougolupski OP t1_izl9z6x wrote

I did it myself at home using the standard E6 kits from the Film Photography Project. The current aerochrome from Dean that you see in black tubes on eBay is safe for C41 (color negative) or E6 (reversal). There were older versions of Aerochrome that I believed used C22 chemicals and those are not available any more.


Volkornbroten t1_izlrn4i wrote

I thought the development chemicals for all color film were toxic? Maybe IR is more so, in some way?


QueenCassie5 t1_izm4w0w wrote

This is the limit of my knowledge on the subject. They said it was no longer a thing they did, it is super bad, ok, bummer. What is the new solution? Freaky expensive camera. :-(


Western-Image7125 t1_izk5q33 wrote

How do you even begin to pronounce this name


dougolupski OP t1_izkcu1f wrote

I have no idea, we did pretty ok with Icelandic names when we were there but this one still stumps the tongue.


Western-Image7125 t1_izkfyyq wrote

Lol I remember the only way this worked was we were already near the location and we would ask the local where was blah blah and they were like “oh you mean unpronouncible word it’s right over there take a left”


[deleted] t1_izl8iog wrote



tomanpdx t1_izl6z1v wrote

I was gonna ask which is more impressive, the canyon or the pronunciation? I'm sure both are beautiful in their own right.