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[deleted] t1_j24kycj wrote



CodyChrome OP t1_j27scpv wrote

I'm not sure how this is fake. I took the photo. It's real.


[deleted] t1_j28u96p wrote



CodyChrome OP t1_j28yqus wrote

I, too, have spent a lot of time outdoors and have done a lot of landscape photography. You are just choosing to be a sourpuss. What, you want me to send you the RAW file? And when you get it, I don't care about an apology. Because I know I'm right. Maybe you should go back to 8th grade.


mangomochamuffin t1_j24qo2f wrote

Isnt there a 'minimal editing' rule?

The rainbow is way too low, btw. Picture would have been a lot better unedited.


CodyChrome OP t1_j27sab5 wrote

Not sure what you mean rainbow too low.


mangomochamuffin t1_j28ee78 wrote

Edit because i looked at both pictures again. The clouds are the exact same in both pictures, except for the shadows around them. The 'close up' reddit one is darker shadowed than the twitter one. The color over some objects also changed, the mountain in the back is not purple in the twitpic and the red cloud on the middle to right of the reddit one is not as red in the twitter photo.

Looks like the clouds havent moved while you were setting up the camera for the second picture.


Eldorian91 t1_j27mczs wrote

Are those the chemicals that they're putting into the atmosphere to make the frogs gay?


CodyChrome OP t1_j27uoo8 wrote

For everyone saying it's fake, or that's not how rainbows work. Here's a picture from further away. It's not Photoshop or over saturated.

Twitter post


ShexyBaish6351 t1_j29n9qc wrote

I was on here saying it was fake, and I was very confident in my judgment. I've since deleted those comments. Knowing that photo was taken near Centerville, Washington on Oct 10 at 1:09 PM, we can determine the angle of the sun was at 37 degrees. Any rainbow formed at that time would have been a low rainbow, with the top of said rainbow only extended about 5 degrees above the horizon.

It's real, and now I feel like a big, stupid bully. Sorry, OP.


CodyChrome OP t1_j2a0rkh wrote

It's all good. I appreciate you checking back. I'm just glad someone finally believes me haha.


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RangerBumble t1_j24itih wrote

This photo was taken right around noon.


CodyChrome OP t1_j27sm11 wrote

It was October 10th, 2021 at 1:09 pm. Just checked the data.


the_original_Retro t1_j26sjzj wrote

Take a physics course ok?

No, no it was not.


RangerBumble t1_j273p7n wrote

Centerville is 45.75°N. This puts the sun at only 20.85° high at noon last week because it it winter. The center of the rainbow would be equidistant 20° below the horizon. For a 42° internal diamiter atmospheric rainbow the radius is 21°. This leaves a .15° gap between the horizon and the 2° width of the rainbow. That's not quite exactly what is shown in the photo bit it is very close.

If this is a recent photo I believe it was taken around noon.

Edit: The image shows a rainbow with approximately 6° of height above the horizon. This would require the sun to be 15° high. This would be between 9:54 and 9:59am or between 2:10 and 2:15pm last week. I admit that this is quite a bit further from noon than I initially expected. I would love for OP to chime in with the metadata and tell me how close I am with my napkin calculation. I am not sure if the surface is level or even if the rainbow is exactly 6° high.


LiuMeien t1_j27o9ba wrote

This is all Greek to me, but this whole convo is funny. This went from “take a physics course” to you busting out a whole “napkin calculation.” Also, your username checks out.


gu_butler t1_j24k3h1 wrote

What a beautiful photo you just took.
