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ofrm1 t1_j1vi3cd wrote

Aah, the Ragged Range. I'm so happy that I see this on here so rarely because it means it's still relatively unknown and untouched. You basically need to charter an aircraft to get to the Logan Mountains.


TritonTheDark OP t1_j1wa82e wrote

I can't ever see it blowing up. It's too hard to access and Parks Canada does a pretty good job of managing the visitor load. In fact it's actually gotten harder to access since there is no longer a relatively affordable helicopter in there.


ofrm1 t1_j1wfxcj wrote

Kluane doesn't offer a floatplane to Glacier lake anymore? Or have they just raised their prices dramatically?


TritonTheDark OP t1_j1wldkn wrote

He's still running his float plane, but he no longer runs his helicopter. The price has gone up quite a bit but it's still a damn good price considering the flying time and the free lodging/food/beer.

There are other spots in the park I want to access but it's gonna be a huge pain in the ass without his helicopter, or a huge pain in the wallet bringing in a helicopter from farther away 😂


ofrm1 t1_j1x5es3 wrote

Yeah. I heard he dropped his helicopter, probably because it wasn't financially worth the maintenance cost to keep it in working condition. I mean, the helicopter is just about required unless you're fine with carrying the bags up to Fairy Meadows which I've heard is a nightmare. Perhaps you can give some insight as to how bad that was to get to the Cirque.


TritonTheDark OP t1_j1xnm7v wrote

The hike is steep but it's not terrible in normal conditions. Unfortunately I did it with a fucked up knee, so between that and carrying 60lbs up there was a good amount of pain and suffering involved haha. But otherwise would have been fine.

And yeah his main driver of business was all the natural resource operations up there and a lot of them shut down, and he was unable to sustain the heli on just park/sightseeing stuff.