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Flashdancer405 t1_j1qhm12 wrote

Antelope os gorgeous and the Navajo are great people.

But let me ask you: wasn’t that tour the most touristy thing you’ve ever done in your life?

Felt really cool bs’ing with the guides they were all cool but damn the tour needed a little bit more history or something. got really sick of just being told “yo this is a really cool photo spot” every time I rounded a corner.


anotherkeebler OP t1_j1qi3kt wrote

Our guide in the lower canyon was very good about the geology and history. The upper canyon guide wasn’t as in-depth but yeah he took some good photos of my family.


PepeSilviaLovesCarol t1_j1qstdg wrote

I’ve been twice in the last year (brought 2 different friends) and the tour guides were awful. Nice, but awful. They barely knew anything about it, and 100% made up most of it. One tour guide said a certain rock formation was called one name, the other said it was called another name. No consistency.


TheGlumSinger t1_j1qt9nr wrote

I went on this tour and it’s literally a photography tour to recreate Peter Liks famous pictures.

Everybody ends up with pictures like this. I’ve got a bunch too.


Sirerdrick64 t1_j1ssi7k wrote

“See these holes? They are from when the Indians and cowboys were fighting.”
“Notice how there are no more cowboys?”

I enjoyed our guide - he had a good sense of humor.


primaequa t1_j1t3aaf wrote

Ugh so true - “here pass me everyone’s phone so i can take the same exact picture for everyone”


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gu_butler t1_j1pvhwd wrote

This looks mesmerizing! The rocks formations are stunning. May I ask about what camera do you use to took this photo?


anotherkeebler OP t1_j1pwjd7 wrote

The wide lens on an iPhone 11.

The photo is from the floor of the lower canyon, looking up. I got lucky with the time of day: the sun was striking some of the higher rock just right, and there was enough ambient light to provide some detail of the interior.

I used the “warm vivid” filter, which is an excellent match for the natural color of the sandstone. I botched the white balance, though, which is why the sky is just a pale area. In reality it was such a crisp, perfect blue that in the pics where it did come out, it looks photoshopped.

edit If you ever go, the guides in the Lower Canyon will have great photo recommendations. I know ours sure did!


911NShifter t1_j1rce0t wrote

That is such a cool and gorgeous shot!


toastibot t1_j1rcfe2 wrote

Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.

> Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.

> Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter.


NOT_PC_Principal t1_j1rml1z wrote

I never have been in these canyons before and was wondering if it is safe to explore through them.

Are there tour guides for these canyons to guide tourists safely through?


A2x0 t1_j1ssnp7 wrote

as one of the guides explained it to me, they have to pay attention to the weather, and they do inspections each morning to clear out any debris, animals and reptiles,

they do close sometimes for safety concerns, so yes it is generally safe, if you are there with a guide, people have died though


Sirerdrick64 t1_j1sso8o wrote

ONLY guided tours by local Navajo.
It is Navajo land so they have their own autonomous laws.


MeezyMay t1_j1tha8o wrote

Wow, beautiful photo


BrinkmanK t1_j1t1q97 wrote

Boo. Go somewhere original. Literally anywhere. Road ditch would be better. Over photographed….


KAPSLOCKisON t1_j1qkyff wrote

Images from this place will always be low effort content to me. I don't enjoy seeing them and I think it's corny to just go to a tourist spot and take photos and say it's Earth porn


anotherkeebler OP t1_j1qw6uh wrote

You’re just lucky none of my Grand Canyon pictures came out.

Yep, I’m the second Antelope Canyon poster today alone. The weather has been excellent this week, and lots of folks are on holiday out here, so I’m not surprised more than one Redditor has visited recently.

But I don’t see much r/EarthPorn firsthand, and it’s pretty there, so I wanted to share.


Sirerdrick64 t1_j1sstpv wrote

You are good.
It is a breathtaking location and I’m very glad to have visited it back in June.


Fit-Ad1456 t1_j1rnd2j wrote

I hate the Antelope Canyon so much I am thinking of unsubscribing from this subreddit every time I see one. Earthporn gets one every day, and they are all the same copycats. After the million hundredth time I feel sick every time I see one. I would gladly invest into bombing the place, it should be destroyed totally.


A2x0 t1_j1ssydq wrote

Why would you even post something like this? - are you a bot? if it bothers you that much, you should indeed unsubscribe and you may even want to stop using reddit, and maybe even the internet altogether.


Fit-Ad1456 t1_j1wp924 wrote

My sense of beauty is hurt every day by what is essentially one and the same picture (which could have been a picture of intestines, if you edit it a bit). I see no point in reposting it. I would honestly prefer if all people who do that create a separate subreddit dedicated to posting this picture over and over, if they like it so much.
