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ShexyBaish6351 t1_j4rasek wrote

Decent pic... but I'm wondering who would really think these look man made?


nuclearstroodle t1_j4rxa3x wrote

That was my thought too. We do pointless shit all the time, but this seems extra pointless.


HammerLuigi t1_j4t9nld wrote

Never underestimate how pointless the shit some people do is. Not saying this is manmade (it obviously isn't), but I've known some people who would have done something like this


Seiliko t1_j4seezv wrote

Maybe people who don't know a lot about how erosion works. At least my first reaction was "how else did those big rocks get there?" and then I read somde comments and it all made more sense. I had just never considered that rocks would have this effect on the ground.


HammerLuigi t1_j4t9d3l wrote

You'd be surprised. I bet 3 out of 10 people would guess manmade. The average person isn't as perceptive as you might think


rbloedow t1_j4uoble wrote

People who never paid attention to their basic science courses in school.


mcjohnson415 t1_j58p95w wrote

You don’t need a science course, just pay attention. Much of ‘scientific discovery’ is just observations recorded. People have been observing for a long time, writing it down is what is relatively new.


Canstralian t1_j4r4j0f wrote

It's a load pyramid under each boulder. The sediment under compression was more resistant to erosion than the surround loose sediment. Great photo for teaching civil engineering students


cvelde t1_j4t64tg wrote

I thought that too at first glance, but there is no way the smaller ones produce any significant compression. (especially that tiny one on the huge pyramid on the right) They just protect the loam underneath them from rain and thus softening.


Canstralian t1_j56f895 wrote

Or it is possible that it had a larger rock on it which has fallen off and if you were able to speed up time you would see this pyramid erode faster then the surrounding.


cvelde t1_j5787at wrote

Suppose that is the case, why then has the pyramid already eroded to more or less exactly slightly under the size of the small rock like all of the rest of them? The Picture must have then been taken at the exact right moment in time to look like this, seems very unlikely to me.


Deesnuts77 t1_j4r9ha5 wrote

To my untrained eye I feel like this was created by rain erosion and the rocks worked essentially as umbrellas for the ground beneath each one.


Mr-Korv t1_j4vx1m4 wrote

Another way to say "it doesn't look human-made"


Yerawizurd_ t1_j4sgnfu wrote

Serious question, who thought this looks human made?


MarkNutt25 t1_j4rfzqk wrote

Kind of reminds me of Bryce Canyon, here in the US.


dimmu1313 t1_j4skdjc wrote

it doesn't look human made, it looks like erosion.


doe-poe t1_j4t5wd1 wrote

You can tell in the comments who didn't go outside as a kid.


Strong-Internal-726 t1_j4s8esg wrote

Just on the outskirts of Grand junction Colorado you can see the same thing.


zcrc t1_j4tynd1 wrote

Paint mines east of the springs too


rhylos360 t1_j4w297k wrote

This is how Stonehenge was done. Mystery solved.


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Thorazine88 t1_j4sgvd4 wrote

This reminds me of the “Pillars of Creation” photo that the Hubble Space Telescope took.


TheRealLifeJesus t1_j4stz0m wrote

How long does it take for this to happen? Or how old are these structures in particular? The landscape around it looks pretty unstable so I can’t imagine it’s outrageously old


doe-poe t1_j4t66mu wrote

Not long, you can go outside after a good rain and see it on a small scale. Find small rocks sitting on inch tall columns


acker1je t1_j4t6twn wrote

Looks like a bunch of rocks blasting off to space


GrapeJuice2227 t1_j4t8ht1 wrote

I’ve seen this happen before! Just at a much smaller scale. Whenever it rains hard, these dirt towers usually appear beneath pebbles. I never knew that it happened to boulders though! Thought the ones in the photo were really small at first, lol


HammerLuigi t1_j4t98lq wrote

Such a cool place, looks impossible except it's photographed


Cometstarlight t1_j4tcp1x wrote

Oh whoa, I've never seen something like this before. That's so cool!


scrogbad t1_j4tnui7 wrote

Woah looks like massive rock fungus


slaroye t1_j4tv48f wrote

You mean Hoodoos


lRhanonl t1_j4u6f7j wrote

How does this look human made... Not at all....


macellan t1_j4u8jaj wrote

They look so fragile. Is this under protection?

There are similar formations in and around Cappadocia, Turkey and we call them "Fairy Chimneys". (peri bacaları)


Jakokreativ t1_j4unyww wrote

They are protected but the stones will fall of sometime and well than they disappear pretty quickly


Clobhairchaun t1_j4uau3j wrote

That most definitely does NOT look man made


Wessel-P t1_j4ugt4h wrote

Close to Algund / Lagundo?


OlivierStreet t1_j4uh484 wrote

Is this where they got inspiration for the “Spiders” in Monster Hunter?


codenamerocky t1_j4ulfkv wrote

In absolutely no way do these look human made.


Ki0ji t1_j4uqq85 wrote

Lol I live like 20 minutes from those, fun fact, those aren’t fake


Ruscoe24 t1_j4uxq4d wrote

It’s actually in Trentino not South Tyrol


nanosam t1_j4v4fey wrote

That does not look human made at all to me


stillyou1122 t1_j4vha49 wrote

Nice shot! I thought this was a painting at first


Fearless_Guitar_3589 t1_j4vygc4 wrote

doesn't look man made to me, I did erosion control after some fires in CA, you see mini ones of those all over (only 2-3" tall, but the same. a little pillar with a stone on top. the action of water hitting bare soil loosens the dirt and allows it to be carried away, the stones on top stop the drops from hitting and loosening the soil underneath.


Rinimur t1_j4y8sws wrote

Looks like mushrooms 😍😱


mcjohnson415 t1_j58oc2n wrote

We climbed a glacier up Mt Shasta in northern California in 1975 that had large rocks set on spires of ice, like this. The clouds became a thick fog with 20 foot visibility. We could hear spires snap and rocks roll just beyond our sight. It was frightening, yet magical at the same time.


LSeww t1_j4sj9xs wrote

erosion is a social construct


j3kwaj t1_j4tfrw1 wrote

TBF, I saw a guy put those rocks there a couple million years ago.


bluntasticboy t1_j4zb5ic wrote

I wanna swing a sword through the middle of one just one to see it chop and drop but I’d never actually they are beautiful


Vidableek t1_j4rom7a wrote

Glad you specified SOUTH Tyrol, otherwise it would have been confusing.


dwd0tcom OP t1_j4s2tpc wrote

Thats because Tyrol is in Austria and South Tyrol is in the North of Italy. Two complete different countries.


Vidableek t1_j4s3of0 wrote

Accepted. Aplogies for my attitude and ignorance of geography.


Bowman_van_Oort t1_j4slz43 wrote

they're beautiful but something inside my monkey brain just wants to destroy them
